Tools for creating and detecting quantum vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates.
- Fast, accurate vortex detection.
- Highly optimized version of the plaquette method (phase integral around each 4-point plaquette), with recursive interpolation to achieve a good balance between speed and accuracy.
- At present only tests for charge +/-1 in 2D
- Vortex creation
- Solves the 2D GPE problem for charge n on the infinite domain
- Interpolates vortex solution to density and phase imprint on arbitrary 2D domains
- Recursive cluster algorithm
- Vortex correlation functions
]add VortexDistributions
Detection Example
using VortexDistributions, Plots
# make a simple 2D test field
Nx = 400; Ny = Nx
Lx = 200; Ly = Lx
x = LinRange(-Lx / 2, Ly / 2, Nx); y = x
psi0 = one.(x*y') |> complex
# doubly periodic boundary conditions
psi = Torus(psi0,x,y)
# make a point vortex
pv = PointVortex(30.0,70.3,-1)
# make a scalar GPE vortex with exact core
spv = ScalarVortex(pv)
# make some more random vortices
vort = rand_vortex(10,psi)
We can recover the raw point vortex data from PointVortex()
or from a ScalarVortex()
We can find all the vortices, removing edge vortices by default:
vfound = findvortices(psi)
For a single vortex example, we show have the phase at successive zoom levels with vortex location, +
, and detected location, o
(see examples):
and density at successive zoom levels with vortex location and detected location:
The benchmark gives (2018 MacBook Pro 2.33GHz Intel i5)
using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime vort = findvortices(psi)
4.037 ms (585 allocations: 3.84 MiB)
Matthew Reeves, Thomas Billam, Michael Cawte
External links
Signatures of Coherent Vortex Structures in a Disordered 2D Quantum Fluid,
Matthew T. Reeves, Thomas P. Billam, Brian P. Anderson, and Ashton S. Bradley,
Physical Review A 89, 053631 (2014)
Onsager-Kraichnan Condensation in Decaying Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence,
Thomas P. Billam, Matthew T. Reeves, Brian P. Anderson, and Ashton S. Bradley,
Physical Review Letters 112, 145301 (2014)