
Multiple Instance Learning Library is build on top of Flux.jl aimed to prototype flexible multi-instance learning models.
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Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
April 2018

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Mill.jl (Multiple Instance Learning Library) is a library built on top of Flux.jl aimed to prototype flexible multi-instance learning models. It is developed to be:

  • flexible and versatile
  • as general as possible
  • fast
  • and dependent on only handful of other packages

Watch our introductory talk from JuliaCon 2021


Run the following in REPL:

] add Mill

Julia v1.6 or later is required.

Getting Started


For citing, please use the following entry for the original paper:

      title={Mill.jl and JsonGrinder.jl: automated differentiable feature extraction for learning from raw JSON data}, 
      author={Simon Mandlik and Matej Racinsky and Viliam Lisy and Tomas Pevny},

and the following for this implementation (fill in the used version):

  author = {Tomas Pevny and Simon Mandlik},
  title = {Mill.jl framework: a flexible library for (hierarchical) multi-instance learning},
  url = {},
  version = {...},

Contribution guidelines

If you want to contribute to Mill.jl, be sure to review the contribution guidelines.

We use GitHub issues for tracking requests and bugs.

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