LazyGroupBy: lazy, parallelizable and composable group-by operations
LazyGroupBy.jl exports a single API grouped
. It can be used to run
group-by operation using the dot-call syntax:
reducer.(..., grouped(key, collection), ...)
where reducer
runs on each group (thus, grouped(key, collection)
can be considered a as a key-value pairs with
broadcasting rule). Roughly speaking, grouped(key, collection)
equivalent to Dict(k_1 => [v_11, v_12, ...], k_2 => [v_21, v_22, ...], ...)
where k_i
is an output of value of
for v_ij
in collection
and each call of reducer
evaluated with a group "vector" [v_i1, v_i2, ...]
For example:
julia> using LazyGroupBy
julia> collect.(grouped(isodd, 1:7))
Transducers.GroupByViewDict{Bool,Array{Int64,1},…} with 2 entries:
false => [2, 4, 6]
true => [1, 3, 5, 7]
julia> length.(grouped(isodd, 1:7))
Transducers.GroupByViewDict{Bool,Int64,…} with 2 entries:
false => 3
true => 4
julia> keys.(grouped(isodd, [0, 7, 3, 1, 5, 9, 4, 3, 0, 5]))
Transducers.GroupByViewDict{Bool,Array{Int64,1},…} with 2 entries:
false => [1, 7, 9]
true => [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10]
julia> foldl.(tuple, grouped(isodd, [0, 7, 3, 1, 5, 9, 4, 3, 0, 5]))
Transducers.GroupByViewDict{Bool,Any,…} with 2 entries:
false => ((0, 4), 0)
true => ((((((7, 3), 1), 5), 9), 3), 5)
julia> foldl.(tuple, grouped(isodd, [0, 7, 3, 1, 5, 9, 4, 3, 0, 5]); init = -1)
Transducers.GroupByViewDict{Bool,Tuple{Any,Int64},…} with 2 entries:
false => (((-1, 0), 4), 0)
true => (((((((-1, 7), 3), 1), 5), 9), 3), 5)
julia> extrema_rf((min1, max1), (min2, max2)) = (min(min1, min2), max(max1, max2));
julia> mapfoldl.(x -> (x, x), extrema_rf, grouped(isodd, [0, 7, 3, 1, 5, 9, 4, 3, 0, 5]))
Transducers.GroupByViewDict{Bool,Tuple{Int64,Int64},…} with 2 entries:
false => (0, 4)
true => (1, 9)
Following generic and standard reducers are supported:
collect.(op, grouped(...))
view.(grouped(_, array))
map.(f, grouped(...))
length.(op, grouped(...))
count.([f,] op, grouped(...))
sum.([f,] op, grouped(...))
prod.([f,] op, grouped(...))
any.(f, op, grouped(...))
all.(f, op, grouped(...))
minimum.([f,] op, grouped(...))
maximum.([f,] op, grouped(...))
extrema.([f,] op, grouped(...))
keys.(op, grouped(_, collection))
pairs.(op, grouped(_, collection))
findfirst.(f, grouped(_, array))
findlast.(f, grouped(_, array))
findall.(f, grouped(_, array))
foldl.(op, grouped(...); [init])
mapfoldl.(f, op, grouped(...); [init])
where DICT{K,V}
above is a short-hand for AbstractDict{<:K,<:V}
and Key
is the type of the values returned from key
passed to grouped
For more complex tasks, Transducers.jl and OnlineStats.jl can also be used:
foldl.(op, xf, grouped(...); [init])
foldxl.(op, [xf,] grouped(...); [init])
foldxt.(op, [xf,] grouped(...); [init])
(multi-threaded)foldxd.(op, [xf,] grouped(...); [init])
(distributed)collect.(xf, grouped(...))
tcollect.(xf, grouped(...))
(multi-threaded version ofcollect
)dcollect.(xf, grouped(...))
(distributed version ofcollect
where xf::Transducer
is initiated for each group individually and
is either a two-argument function or an OnlineStat
(e.g., OnlineStats.Mean
The dot-call syntax is used for defining the "domain-specific
language" (DSL) and it is different from the standard semantics of
broadcasting on arrays. In particular, reducer.(..., grouped(key, collection), ...)
may not actually call reducer
. Rather, it is
pattern-matched and dispatched to an alternative definition based on
LazyGroupBy.jl is implemented as a direct transformation to
and GroupBy
from Transducer.jl. Consider
foldl.(rf, xf, grouped(key, collection); init = init)
This is simply translated to
foldl(right, GroupBy(key, xf, rf, init), collection)
Other reducers like sum
and collect
are implemented in terms of
above transformation.