Programming Paradigms Packages
Accessors.jl175Update immutable data
AMQPClient.jl37A Julia AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) / RabbitMQ Client.
ArrayAllocators.jl53Allocate arrays with malloc, calloc, or on NUMA nodes
ASTInterpreter.jl16Gallium's AST interpreter as a separate package to simplify development
ASTInterpreter2.jl41Re-write of ASTInterpreter for julia 0.6+
AutoHashEquals.jl57A Julia macro to add == and hash() to composite types.
Automa.jl186A julia code generator for regular expressions
AutoSysimages.jl90Automate user-specific system images for Julia
BangBang.jl13Immutables as mutables, mutables as immutables.
BinaryTraits.jl50Can do or not? It's easy. See
Blobs.jl66Binary blobs with on-the-fly pointer patching
Bumper.jl158Bring Your Own Stack
CallGraphs.jl8Analysis of source callgraphs for julia
Cassette.jl370Overdub Your Julia Code
Catwalk.jl82An adaptive optimizer for speeding up dynamic dispatch in Julia
Chain.jl360A Julia package for piping a value through a series of transformation expressions using a more convenient syntax than Julia's native piping functionality.
Classes.jl45A simple, Julian approach to inheritance of structure and methods
ClearStacktrace.jl71Visually clarified stack traces for Julia
CodeTracking.jl131It's editing-time, do you know where your methods are?
CombinedParsers.jl77Compiled parser combinators and regular expressions in pure julia
CommonSubexpressions.jl37NaΓ―ve combined subexpression elimination in Julia
Comonicon.jl282Your best CLI generator in JuliaLang
CompTime.jl70Library for compile-time computing in julia
ComputationalResources.jl34Julia package for selecting hardware, libraries, and algorithms for a computation
ComputedFieldTypes.jl60Build types in Julia where some fields have computed types
ConcreteStructs.jl77π©π ππ¨ππ¦
Configurations.jl79Options & Configurations made easy.
Continuables.jl36Extremely fast generator-like alternative to Julia Channels
ControlSystems.jl508A Control Systems Toolbox for Julia
CSTParser.jl105A concrete syntax tree parser for Julia
Cthulhu.jl643The slow descent into madness
DaemonMode.jl272Client-Daemon workflow to run faster scripts in Julia
DataFrameMacros.jl60Macros that simplify working with DataFrames.jl
DeepEquilibriumNetworks.jl49Implicit Layer Machine Learning via Deep Equilibrium Networks, O(1) backpropagation with accelerated convergence.
DemoCards.jl66Let's focus on writing demos
DLPack.jl44Julia interface for dlpack
DocumentFormat.jl62Auto-formatter for Julia
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