File IO Packages
HDF5.jl386Save and load data in the HDF5 file format from Julia
MNIST.jl25Tools for working with the MNIST data set
IniFile.jl14Reading and writing Windows-style INI files (writing not yet implemented).
MAT.jl278Julia module for reading MATLAB files
TIFF.jl4TIFF file support for the Julia language
HelpTestbed.jl0Exploring options for help in Julia
StrPack.jl26Swiss Army Knife for encoding and decoding binary streams
FITSIO.jl55Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) file support for Julia
PLX.jl4Julia module for reading Plexon PLX files
Codecs.jl11Common data encoding algorithms
NIfTI.jl71Julia module for reading/writing NIfTI MRI files
ASCIIByte.jl1Julia's package for deal with Characters of 8 bits.
YAML.jl128Parse yer YAMLs
DictViews.jl0KeysView and ValuesView types for dynamic low-overhead views into the entries of dictionaries
DICOM.jl56Julia package for reading and writing DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) files
Units.jl5Infrastructure for handling physical units for the Julia programming language
ELF.jl3Julia Package for working with ELF files
DWARF.jl3Julia Package for parsing the DWARF file format
ChainedVectors.jl1Few utility types over Julia Vector type
LibExpat.jl9Julia interface to the Expat XML parser library
FastaIO.jl16Utilities to read/write FASTA format files in Julia
Typeclass.jl24Multiparameter typeclasses for Julia
TypeGraph.jl0Visualize the Julia type system
BDF.jl8Module to read Biosemi BDF files with the Julia programming language
Judo.jl57A Julia document generator
TypeCheck.jl69A TypeChecker for Julia
NPZ.jl121A Julia package that provides support for reading and writing Numpy .npy and .npz files
MPFI.jl4A MPFI wrapper for Julia
TexExtensions.jl7Tex Pretty printing of Julia Base types.
LightXML.jl91A light-weight Julia package for XML based on libxml2.
BGZF.jl1Julia package to read/write BGZF compressed files
OpenSlide.jl3OpenSlide bindings for Julia
DataRead.jl78Read files from Stata, SAS, and SPSS
MsgPack.jl65Julia MsgPack implementation with type-driven, overloadable packing/unpacking functionality
Taro.jl123Read and write Excel, Word and PDF documents in Julia
MachO.jl2An implementation of the MachO file format
Shapefile.jl82Parsing .shp files in Julia
MutableStrings.jl2Mutable string types for Julia
XPT.jl3Read SAS® software transport files and convert datasets to DataFrames in julia.
MUtils.jl7Channels(), tspaces(), kvspaces() and more
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