
Channels(), tspaces(), kvspaces() and more
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Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
February 2014


A collection of utilities for messaging


Channels are like RemoteRefs, execpt that they are modelled as a queue and hence can hold more than one message.

channel(pid=myid(); T=Any, sz=1000) constructs a channel on process pid, holds objects of type T with a maximum number of entries sz.

The channel constructor returns an object reference of type SyncObjRef{RemoteChannel} which can be passed around safely across processes.

isready(c), fetch(c), take!(c) and put!(c, v) have the same behaviour as the RemoteRef equivalents.

fetch and take! block if there are no elements.

put! blocks if the channel already has sz elements present.

fetch, take! and put! all accept an optional keyword argument timeout which specifies the maximum number of seconds to block. If the request cannot be fulfilled within the requested time a MUtilTimeOutEx exception is thrown.


TSpaces are tuple spaces. They store tuples, the first element of each tuple is a key to the tuple.

The tuples are stored as a queue and duplicates are allowed.

tspace(pid=myid(); sz=1000) constructs a new tuple space and returns a SyncObjRef{RemoteTSpace}

put!(ts, v::Tuple) adds a tuple v into the space ts.

isready(ts,k), fetch(ts, k) and take!(ts, k) all require the key k to be specified when used on a tuple space ts. It is matched against the first element of the tuples in the space.

If k is a Regex object, it is matched against all tuples where the firest element is a String

fetch, take! and put! all accept an optional keyword argument timeout which specifies the maximum number of seconds to block. If the request cannot be fulfilled within the requested time a MUtilTimeOutEx exception is thrown.


This is a key-value store.

kvspace(pid=myid(); sz=1000) constructs a new key-value space and returns a SyncObjRef{RemoteKVSpace}. Duplicates are not allowed. A put! with an existing key overwrites the existing value

put!(kvs, k, v) adds key k and value v into the space kvs.

isready(kvs,k), fetch(kvs, k) and take!(kvs, k) all require the key k to be specified when used on a kv space kvs.

fetch, take! and put! all accept an optional keyword argument timeout which specifies the maximum number of seconds to block. If the request cannot be fulfilled within the requested time a MUtilTimeOutEx exception is thrown.

ctasks - Tasks with Channels

ctasks are named tasks with channels. The channels are used for messaging with the task.

ctask(f::Function; pid=myid(), name="") returns a CTask object that can be passed around processors.

f is the function lanuched on processor pid. The ctask runs till function f terminates. If name is specified, the task is addressable by name. The name-ctask mapping is stored in a KV Space on pid 1.

Every ctask has two channels associated with it. One for incoming messages and one for outbound messages.

The following functions can be used to send/recv messages from these channels.

put!(msg::Tuple) appends a message to a tasks outbound channel

put!(ct::CTask, msg::Tuple) appends a message to task ct's inbound channel

put!(ctname::String, msg::Tuple) appends a message to task addressed by ctname's inbound channel

take!() pops a message from the current tasks inbound channel

take!(ct::CTask) pops a message from task ct's outbound channel

take!(ctname::String) pops a message from the task addressed by ctname's outbound channel

The pipelining operator |> can be used to send a message to a task. For example:

(:test_msg, "Hello") |> ct will add the tuple (:test_msg, "Hello") to ct's inbound channel

put!, take! both accept an optional keyword argument timeout which specifies the maximum number of seconds to block. If the request cannot be fulfilled within the requested time a MUtilTimeOutEx exception is thrown.

Note: The Julia 0.3 compatible version has send/recv in place of put!/take. This has been renamed in 0.4 for consistency.