DevOps Packages
ApplicationBuilder.jl168[deprecated] Compile, bundle, and release julia software
BaseTestDeprecated.jl2Provides the Base.Test functionality removed in Julia v0.5
BinaryBuilder.jl344Binary Dependency Builder for Julia
BinaryProvider.jl44A reliable binary provider for Julia
BinDeps.jl52Tool for building binary dependencies for Julia modules
BuildExecutable.jl156Build a standalone executables from a Julia script
Compat.jl129Compatibility across Julia versions
CompatHelper.jl129Automatically update the [compat] entries for your Julia package's dependencies
Conda.jl163Conda managing Julia binary dependencies
CondaPkg.jl92Add Conda dependencies to your Julia project
Coverage.jl164Take Julia code coverage and memory allocation results, do useful things with them
CoverageBase.jl4Measuring internal test coverage of the Julia programming language
DebbyPacker.jl0Set of scripts to "easily" create debian packages. For varying values of "easily".
Debug.jl86Prototype interactive debugger for Julia
DeclarativePackages.jl29Declarative, per-project package management for Julia
EasyPkg.jl3A Julia package to simplify package development
Example.jl120Example Julia package repo.
FactCheck.jl81Midje-like testing for Julia
FemtoCleaner.jl63The code behind femtocleaner
Fixtures.jl11Fixtures and patching to improve your test life with Julia
Fuzz.jl50World's dumbest fuzzer
Help.jl1Query documentation from Julia prompt.
Homebrew.jl27OSX Binary dependency provider for Julia
IonCLI.jl48The Ion CLI for Julia.
Jake.jl0Rake for Julia
Jig.jl0Testing framework for Julia
Jive.jl42Some useful steps in tests 👣
Juke.jl1Make in Julia
JulieTest.jl14A Julia testing framework inspired by javascript's Mocha
Julz.jl9Opinionated Framework for Developing Packages 🤷
Kip.jl7An alternative module system for Julia
Kuber.jl55Julia Kubernetes Client
LibALPM.jl1Wrapper for libalpm, the ArchLinux package manager
Log4jl.jl3Log4jl is a comprehensive and flexible logging library for Julia programs.
Logging.jl44Logging package for julia
Lumberjack.jl35Create logs that would make Paul Bunyan blush
Memento.jl81A flexible logging library for Julia
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