
Measuring internal test coverage of the Julia programming language
4 Stars
Updated Last
3 Years Ago
Started In
January 2015


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A package for measuring the internal test coverage of the Julia programming langauge.


You can install this on your local machine with

(v1.1) pkg> add

However, this is not sufficient on its own, particularly if you want to submit results to You should also set up the following:

  • A checkout of julia's master branch, one that you don't mind updating to the current master every time you run coverage statistics. Let's assume this checkout is in /somedirectory/julia-coverage.

  • A bash script similar to the following:

#! /bin/bash

echo $(date)
cd /somedirectory/julia-coverage
REPO_TOKEN=<your token here> /path/to/CoverageBase/

REPO_TOKEN should be set for the repository you want to deposit the results in. You can find the token on the repo's main page on Coveralls, if you are an owner of the corresponding GitHub repository.

  • Optionally, set up a cron job to run the above shell script on a regular basis. It's probably wise to direct the output to a log file so you can inspect the output in cases of trouble.