Biology Packages
OBC.jl0Optimal Bayesian classification for RNA-Seq data
Rosalind.jl0A bioinformatics library for solving problems from
Bioinformatics.jl0[DEPRECATED] I deleted this repo a while ago. Forked backup from
Pedigree.jl0Pedigree functions implemented in Julia
YARS.jl0YARS communication for julia
Iceberg.jl1Ice-seawater interface calculations using level set methods
StatGenData.jl1Statistical analysis of genomic data
PureSeq.jl1Code for the Pure-seq project
GenomeAnnotations.jl1Manage Local Genome Annotation files
EMIRT.jl2Electronic Microscopy Image Reconstruction Toolbox using julia language
EvoDuplexes.jl2A Julia package to fold all local and long-range RNA duplexes.
Ensemble.jl2Ensemble Samplers for Julia
Pagel.jl2Detect correlated evolution on phylogenies
BioArgParse.jl3Extension to ArgParse.jl, enabling parsing of command line parameters to types in Bio.jl.
SkullSegment.jl3Macaque brain and skull extraction tools (WIP)
MindResearchRepository.jl3Access data sets from the Mind Research Repository
FishABM.jl3An agent based life cycle model for managed fisheries
MicroscopyLabels.jl3Easily embed annotations in your microscopy images
SpeedDate.jl4Estimation of coalescence times between sequences.
VarianceComponentTest.jl4Exact Variance Component Test for GWAS
MendelBase.jl5MendelBase contains the base functions of OpenMendel.
TimeTrees.jl5Phylogenetic tree type for julia
OpenEphysLoader.jl6A set of tools to load data written by the OpenEphys GUI
LCS.jl7A Julia package for finding longest common and longest contiguous subsequences
ProgressiveAligner.jl7Progressive alignment scripts for protein sequences
MMTF.jl7A julia package to parse and write MMTF file
SpikeSorter.jl7Spike sorting tools written in Julia, which may be of use to experimental neuroscientists
NormalizeQuantiles.jl7NormalizeQuantiles.jl implements quantile normalization
LeafAreaIndex.jl8Package to calculate Leaf Area Index from Hemisperical Images.
BrainWave.jl9Julia functions to process electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings
XSim.jl9Simulate sequence data and complicated pedigree structures
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