Biology Packages
MerCounting.jl12K-mer counting algorithms and count-data utilities for the BioJulia framework
NeuroAnalysis.jl12Neural Signal Analysis
FastaIO.jl16Utilities to read/write FASTA format files in Julia
Crispulator.jl17✂️ Pooled CRISPR screen optimization tool
ROC.jl17Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve for Julia Language
BioMedQuery.jl17Julia utilities for interacting with biomedical databases and biomedical application programming interfaces (APIs)
GBIF.jl19Functions and types to access GBIF data from Julia
BioServices.jl21Julia interface to APIs for various bio-related web services
PhyloTrees.jl22Phylogenetic trees in Julia
NEAT.jl24Julia implemention of NEAT (NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies) algorithm
FusionDirect.jl25(No maintenance) Detect gene fusion directly from raw fastq files
Diversity.jl34Julia package for diversity measurement
DCEMRI.jl37DCE MRI analysis in Julia
SpikingNeuralNetworks.jl37Julia Spiking Neural Network Simulator
RealNeuralNetworks.jl38A unified framework for skeletonization, morphological analysis, and connectivity analysis.
GeneticVariation.jl40Datastructures and algorithms for working with genetic variation
CellFishing.jl41Fast and scalable cell search tool
NetworkInference.jl43Methods for inferring undirected networks from data
SnpArrays.jl44Compressed storage for SNP data
IntervalTrees.jl44A data structure for efficient manipulation of sets of intervals
PopGen.jl46Population Genetics in Julia
Pipelines.jl46A lightweight and powerful Julia package for computational pipelines and workflows.
Microbiome.jl47For analysis of microbiome and microbial community data
EEG.jl48Neuroimaging in Julia
Neuroimaging.jl48Neuroimaging in Julia
BioMakie.jl56Plotting and interface tools for biology.
SpatialEcology.jl58Julia framework for spatial ecology - data types and utilities
DeconvOptim.jl59A multi-dimensional, high performance deconvolution framework written in Julia Lang for CPUs and GPUs.
COBRA.jl60High-level, high-performance, constraint-based reconstruction and analysis in Julia
BioAlignments.jl60Sequence alignment tools
Gillespie.jl60Stochastic Gillespie-type simulations using Julia
FASTX.jl61Parse and process FASTA and FASTQ formatted files of biological sequences.
CellMLToolkit.jl62CellMLToolkit.jl is a Julia library that connects CellML models to the Scientific Julia ecosystem.
OpenGene.jl64(No maintenance) OpenGene, core libraries for NGS data analysis and bioinformatics in Julia
GenomeGraphs.jl67A modern genomics framework for julia
EcologicalNetwork.jl68Everything you've never dreamed about measuring on ecological networks.
EcologicalNetworks.jl68Everything you've never dreamed about measuring on ecological networks.
FlashWeave.jl71Inference of microbial interaction networks from large-scale heterogeneous abundance data
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