Dependency Packages
IterTools.jl152Common functional iterator patterns
Contour.jl44Calculating contour curves for 2D scalar fields in Julia
TranscodingStreams.jl85Simple, consistent interfaces for any codec.
Plots.jl1825Powerful convenience for Julia visualizations and data analysis
ConstructionBase.jl34Primitives for construction of objects
NearestNeighbors.jl413High performance nearest neighbor data structures (KDTree and BallTree) and algorithms for Julia.
JLD2.jl549HDF5-compatible file format in pure Julia
ChainRulesCore.jl253AD-backend agnostic system defining custom forward and reverse mode rules. This is the light weight core to allow you to define rules for your functions in your packages, without depending on any particular AD system.
ForwardDiff.jl888Forward Mode Automatic Differentiation for Julia
Latexify.jl558Convert julia objects to LaTeX equations, arrays or other environments.
DataStructures.jl690Julia implementation of Data structures
Reexport.jl162Julia macro for re-exporting one module from another
FFTW.jl269Julia bindings to the FFTW library for fast Fourier transforms
Sixel.jl41The Julia wrapper of libsixel
StatsFuns.jl232Mathematical functions related to statistics.
StatsBase.jl584Basic statistics for Julia
Format.jl37A Julia package to provide C and Python-like formatting support
ColorSchemes.jl187Colorschemes, colormaps, gradients, and palettes
FixedPointNumbers.jl79Fixed point types for julia
Unitful.jl603Physical quantities with arbitrary units
LoopVectorization.jl742Macro(s) for vectorizing loops.
PrecompileTools.jl204Reduce time-to-first-execution of Julia code
ArgTools.jl14Tools for writing functions that handle many kinds of IO arguments
Rmath.jl16Archive of functions that emulate R's d-p-q-r functions for probability distributions
PaddedViews.jl49Add virtual padding to the edges of an array
Distributions.jl1102A Julia package for probability distributions and associated functions.
Graphs.jl457An optimized graphs package for the Julia programming language
HypergeometricFunctions.jl68A Julia package for calculating hypergeometric functions
Compat.jl145Compatibility across Julia versions
StatsAPI.jl17A statistics-focused namespace for packages to share functions
DocStringExtensions.jl114Extensions for Julia's docsystem.
HTTP.jl632HTTP for Julia
JSON.jl311JSON parsing and printing
ProgressMeter.jl693Progress meter for long-running computations
QuadGK.jl268Adaptive 1d numerical Gauss–Kronrod integration in Julia
FillArrays.jl181Julia package for lazily representing matrices filled with a single entry
ArrayInterface.jl133Designs for new Base array interface primitives, used widely through scientific machine learning (SciML) and other organizations
Inflate.jl24Julia implementation of zlib decompression
TiffImages.jl53💎 Pure-Julia TIFF I/O with a focus on correctness 🧐
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