
Benchmark tools for solvers
Author JuliaSmoothOptimizers
23 Stars
Updated Last
2 Months Ago
Started In
February 2019


How to Cite

If you use SolverBenchmark.jl in your work, please cite using the format given in CITATION.cff.

DOI CI Build Status codecov

This package provides general tools for benchmarking solvers, focusing on the following guidelines:

  • The output of a solver's run on a suite of problems is a DataFrame, where each row is a different problem.
    • Since naming issues may arise (e.g., same problem with different number of variables), there must be an ID column;
  • The collection of two or more solver runs (DataFrames), is a Dict{Symbol,DataFrame}, where each key is a solver;

This package is developed focusing on Krylov.jl and JSOSolvers.jl, but is sufficiently general to be used in other places.


Obs: See the assets folder for the complete code, or the docs for a more detailed example.

Example table of a single DataFrame


│        flag │    name │      f(x) │      time │   iter │
│     failure │ prob001 │ -6.89e-01 │  6.24e+01 │     70 │
│     failure │ prob002 │ -7.63e-01 │  3.53e+02 │     10 │
│ first_order │ prob003 │  3.97e-01 │  7.68e+02 │     10 │
│ first_order │ prob004 │  8.12e-01 │  4.31e+01 │     80 │
│ first_order │ prob005 │ -3.46e-01 │  2.68e+02 │     30 │
│ first_order │ prob006 │ -1.88e-01 │  6.68e+01 │     80 │
│ first_order │ prob007 │ -1.61e+00 │  1.57e+02 │     60 │
│ first_order │ prob008 │ -2.48e+00 │  6.05e+02 │     40 │
│ first_order │ prob009 │  2.28e+00 │  1.36e+02 │     40 │
│     failure │ prob010 │  2.20e-01 │  8.38e+02 │     50 │


Example table of a joined DataFrame

df = join(stats, [:status, :f, :t], ...)
pretty_stats(df, tf=markdown)
|     id |    name |  flag_alpha |   f_alpha |   t_alpha |   flag_beta |    f_beta |    t_beta |  flag_gamma |   f_gamma |   t_gamma |
|      1 | prob001 |     failure | -6.89e-01 |  6.24e+01 | first_order | -4.83e-01 |  3.92e+02 |     failure | -9.99e-01 |  6.97e+02 |
|      2 | prob002 |     failure | -7.63e-01 |  3.53e+02 | first_order | -1.16e+00 |  4.79e+02 | first_order |  1.03e+00 |  4.35e+02 |
|      3 | prob003 | first_order |  3.97e-01 |  7.68e+02 | first_order | -2.14e-01 |  6.82e+01 | first_order | -1.16e+00 |  9.86e+02 |
|      4 | prob004 | first_order |  8.12e-01 |  4.31e+01 | first_order | -1.37e+00 |  4.80e+02 | first_order |  5.34e-01 |  9.97e+02 |
|      5 | prob005 | first_order | -3.46e-01 |  2.68e+02 | first_order | -1.54e+00 |  4.68e+02 | first_order | -3.08e-01 |  5.08e+02 |
|      6 | prob006 | first_order | -1.88e-01 |  6.68e+01 | first_order | -1.23e+00 |  4.52e+02 | first_order |  9.86e-01 |  2.16e+02 |
|      7 | prob007 | first_order | -1.61e+00 |  1.57e+02 | first_order | -1.96e+00 |  6.44e+02 | first_order | -1.19e+00 |  8.59e+02 |
|      8 | prob008 | first_order | -2.48e+00 |  6.05e+02 |     failure | -4.73e-01 |  6.69e+02 | first_order |  6.80e-01 |  9.05e+02 |
|      9 | prob009 | first_order |  2.28e+00 |  1.36e+02 | first_order |  1.34e+00 |  9.48e+01 |     failure |  2.04e-03 |  4.35e+02 |
|     10 | prob010 |     failure |  2.20e-01 |  8.38e+02 | first_order |  8.08e-01 |  9.49e+02 | first_order | -4.78e-01 |  6.59e+01 |


Example profile

p = performance_profile(stats, df->df.t)

Example profile-wall

p = profile_solvers(stats, costs, titles)

Bug reports and discussions

If you think you found a bug, feel free to open an issue. Focused suggestions and requests can also be opened as issues. Before opening a pull request, start an issue or a discussion on the topic, please.

If you want to ask a question not suited for a bug report, feel free to start a discussion here. This forum is for general discussion about this repository and the JuliaSmoothOptimizers organization, so questions about any of our packages are welcome.