
Functions to access NFL data
Author KyleSJohnston
0 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
December 2019


Functions to access NFL data. Please create a GitHub issue to request a new dataset or report a bug.

NFLTables provides enumerations and functions to make it convenient to access existing NFL data. Where relevant, variable, module, and function names follow the conventions for the julia language.

julia> using NFLTables

julia> varinfo(NFLTables)
  name              size summary
  –––––––––– ––––––––––– ––––––––––
  NFLFastR    23.407 KiB Module
  NFLScrapR   26.434 KiB Module
  NFLTables  273.709 KiB Module
  POST           4 bytes SeasonPart
  PRE            4 bytes SeasonPart
  REG            4 bytes SeasonPart
  Schedules   35.631 KiB Module
  SeasonPart   128 bytes DataType
  SuperBowl    128 bytes DataType

julia> SuperBowl(2021)
SB_LVI::SuperBowl = 2021

julia> instances(SeasonPart)

Data retrieved in the submodules is cached locally with Scratch. By convention, data can be downloaded again with redownload=true in the appropriate function.

NFL Schedules

Schedules are obtained by parsing data from

julia> scheduledf = Schedules.schedule(2019);

julia> size(scheduledf)
(332, 9)

julia> last(scheduledf, 5)
5×9 DataFrame
 Row │ season  seasonpart  week   date        states     home      away      homescore  awayscore
     │ Int64   String7…    Int64  Date…       String15…  String3…  String3…  Int64      Int64
   12019  POST            2  2020-01-12  FINAL      GB        SEA              28         23
   22019  POST            2  2020-01-12  FINAL      KC        HOU              51         31
   32019  POST            3  2020-01-19  FINAL      KC        TEN              35         24
   42019  POST            3  2020-01-19  FINAL      SF        GB               37         20
   52019  POST            4  2020-02-02  FINAL      KC        SF               31         20

nflscrapR Data

The data is available at for the 2009-2019 seasons. Use NFLScrapR.getgamedata to retrieve game information as a dataframe.

julia> gamesdf = NFLScrapR.getgamedata(2018, REG);

julia> size(gamesdf)
(256, 10)

julia> names(gamesdf)
10-element Vector{String}:

julia> first(gamesdf, 5)
5×10 DataFrame
 Row │ type      game_id     home_team  away_team  week   season  state_of_game  game_url                           home_score  away_score
     │ String3…  Int64       String3…   String3…   Int64  Int64   String7…       String                             Int64       Int64
   1 │ reg       2018090600  PHI        ATL            1    2018  POST …          18          12
   2 │ reg       2018090900  BAL        BUF            1    2018  POST …          47           3
   3 │ reg       2018090907  NYG        JAX            1    2018  POST …          15          20
   4 │ reg       2018090906  NO         TB             1    2018  POST …          40          48
   5 │ reg       2018090905  NE         HOU            1    2018  POST …          27          20

Play-by-play information is also available; use the getplaydata function.

julia> pbpdf = NFLScrapR.getplaydata(2018, REG);

julia> size(pbpdf)
(45156, 256)

julia> names(pbpdf)[1:10]
10-element Vector{String}:

nflfastR Data

For data more recent than nflscrapR, use NFLFastR. The data is hosted at, and the README describes the improvements over nflscrapR. This is the recommended data for new analysis.

julia> fastdf = NFLFastR.getdata(2018);

julia> size(fastdf)
(47874, 372)

julia> fastdf[1:10, 1:6]
10×6 DataFrame
 Row │ play_id  game_id          old_game_id  home_team  away_team  season_type
     │ Int64    String15…        Int64        String3…   String3…   String7…
   11  2018_01_ATL_PHI   2018090600  PHI        ATL        REG
   237  2018_01_ATL_PHI   2018090600  PHI        ATL        REG
   352  2018_01_ATL_PHI   2018090600  PHI        ATL        REG
   475  2018_01_ATL_PHI   2018090600  PHI        ATL        REG
   5104  2018_01_ATL_PHI   2018090600  PHI        ATL        REG
   6125  2018_01_ATL_PHI   2018090600  PHI        ATL        REG
   7146  2018_01_ATL_PHI   2018090600  PHI        ATL        REG
   8168  2018_01_ATL_PHI   2018090600  PHI        ATL        REG
   9190  2018_01_ATL_PHI   2018090600  PHI        ATL        REG
  10214  2018_01_ATL_PHI   2018090600  PHI        ATL        REG

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