
Geospatial tables compatible with the GeoStats.jl framework
Author JuliaEarth
18 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
April 2021


Load geospatial tables from known file formats and convert the geometries to Meshes.jl geometries that are compatible with the GeoStats.jl ecosystem.

Geometries are loaded from disk in pure Julia whenever possible using packages such as Shapefile.jl and GeoJSON.jl, or (down)loaded from the internet using the GADM.jl package.


Loading/saving data from/to disk

The load and save functions are self-explanatory:

using GeoTables

table = GeoTables.load("file.shp")"file.geojson", table)

Additional keyword arguments can be passed to load and save functions. Valid arguments are those accepted by, GeoJSON.write, Shapefile.Table, Shapefile.write and See below some examples:

# read `.geojson` geometries with Float64 precision
table = GeoTables.load("file.geojson", numbertype = Float64)

# force writing on existing `.shp` file"file.shp", table, force = true)

Loading data from GADM

The gadm function (down)loads data from the GADM dataset:

julia> GeoTables.gadm("BRA", depth = 1)

Please read the docstring for more details.

Performance tips

The result can be easily converted into any other geotable type to avoid converting the geometries every time the underlying domain is queried. For example, assuming that table has been loaded with the functions above, the following code can be used to convert the table to pure Julia geometries:

using GeoStats

table |> GeoData

Asking for help

If you have any questions, please contact our community.

Used By Packages

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