
Differentiable constraint-based metabolic models
Author stelmo
9 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
February 2022


This package extends COBREXA.jl with the ability to differentiate an optimal solution of an enzyme constrained metabolic model.

Currently, there is support for differentiating both SMomentModel and GeckoModel, where both turnover numbers and/or intracellular metabolite concentrations can be taken as parameters. If the latter are parameters, then generalized Michaelis-Menten kinetics (saturation and thermodynamic) are assumed.

Note, this package is under active development. Only non-degenerate models can be differentiated. This means that you will only be able to differentiate the model if you find an active solution, prune the inactive reactions from the model, and then differentiate the resulting model. Work is planned to drop this restriction.

To use this package, download and install Julia, and add the following packages using the built in package manager:

] add COBREXA, DifferentiableMetabolism, Tulip

Note, any optimization solver that is compatible with JuMP can be used. Here we have opted to use Tulip.jl. To run the tests, Ipopt is also required.

] test DifferentiableMetabolism

Differentiating a simple model

In this example, a simple model will be differentiated.

using DifferentiableMetabolism
using Tulip

# Create model
model = StandardModel("SmallModel")
m1 = Metabolite("m1")
m2 = Metabolite("m2")
m3 = Metabolite("m3")
m4 = Metabolite("m4")
m5 = Metabolite("m5")
m6 = Metabolite("m6")

@add_reactions! model begin
    "r1", nothing → m1, 0, 100
    "r2", nothing → m2, 0, 100
    "r3", m1 + m2 → m3, 0, 100
    "r4", m3 → m4 + m5, 0, 100
    "r5", m2 → m4 + m6, 0, 100
    "r6", m4 → nothing, 0, 100
    "r7", m2 → m4 + m6, 0, 100
    "biomass", m6 + m5 → nothing, 0, 100

gs = [Gene("g$i") for i = 1:5]

model.reactions["biomass"].objective_coefficient = 1.0

add_genes!(model, gs)
add_metabolites!(model, [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6])

reaction_isozymes = Dict(
    "r3" => [Isozyme(Dict("g1" => 1), 10.0, 10.0)],
    "r4" => [Isozyme(Dict("g2" => 1, "g3" => 3), 30.0, 20.0)],
    "r5" => [Isozyme(Dict("g3" => 1, "g4" => 2), 70.0, 30.0)],
    "r7" => [Isozyme(Dict("g5" => 1), 50.0, 20.0)],
gene_product_bounds = Dict(
    "g1" => (0.0, 0.2),
    "g2" => (0.0, 0.1),
    "g3" => (0.0, 10.0),
    "g4" => (0.0, 1000.0),
    "g5" => (0.0, 1000.0),

gene_product_molar_mass = Dict("g1" => 1.0, "g2" => 2.0, "g3" => 3.0, "g4" => 4.0, "g5" => 5.0)

gene_product_mass_group_bound = Dict("uncategorized" => 1.0)


# Construct and simulate a GECKO model
gecko_model = make_gecko_model(

# Get classic GECKO solution
optimized_model = flux_balance_analysis(
gecko_fluxes = flux_dict(gecko_model, optimized_model) # notice that r5 is inactive!

# Prune away inactive reactions
pruned_model = prune_model(model, gecko_fluxes)

# Differentiate an optimal solution
pruned_gecko_model = make_gecko_model(

rid_enzyme = Dict(
    k => isozyme_to_enzyme(first(v), gene_product_molar_mass; direction = :forward)
    for (k, v) in reaction_isozymes

diffmodel = with_parameters(gecko_model, rid_enzyme)

x, dx = differentiate(

Here, x are the variables, corresponding to diffmodel.var_ids, and dx are the derivatives, where rows correspond to diffmodel.param_ids, and columns correspond to diffmodel.var_ids.

While this package is under development, you can already use more advanced functionality. Look at the tests to see how to incorporate thermodynamic and/or saturation effects these differentiable models.

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