17 Packages since 2019
User Packages
PreferenceTools.jl26Julia preferences for humans
PandasJSON.jl7Read/write Pandas dataframes
PackageExtensionTools.jl13Makes Julia's package extensions backwards compatible
HuggingFaceHub.jl11Julia interface to the 🤗 Hub
Bokeh.jl73Interactive plotting made easy
PythonIO.jl6Read and write some common Python data formats
CondaPkg.jl92Add Conda dependencies to your Julia project
MicroMamba.jl19Julia interface to the MicroMamba package manager.
PythonCall.jl487Python and Julia in harmony.
ARFFFiles.jl5Load and save ARFF files
UnsafePointers.jl4Convenient (but unsafe) pointer access
Countries.jl6Countries, subdivisions, currencies, languages and scripts, according to ISO.
ShadeYourData.jl11Interactive plotting of millions of data points
Edlib.jl6Julia bindings for the edlib string alignment library
LTWA.jl1Julia package for accessing the List of Title Word Abbreviations
Infinity.jl11Representation of infinity in Julia
LogarithmicNumbers.jl53A logarithmic number system for Julia.
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