Julia package for accessing the List of Title Word Abbreviations
Author cjdoris
1 Star
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
September 2019


Julia package for accessing the List of Title Word Abbreviations and computing abbreviations of titles.


] install LTWA or Pkg.install("LTWA").


abbreviate(title :: AbstractString) :: String

An abbreviation of title.

abbreviateword(word :: AbstractString) :: String

An abbreviation of word, which is assumed to be a single word.

LTWA.list :: Vector{Tuple{String, Union{Missing, String}, Set{Symbol}}}

The list as a vector of tuples (pat, abbrv, langs) where:

  • pat is the pattern
  • abbrv is the abbreviation (possibly missing)
  • langs are the corresponding languages


julia> using LTWA

julia> abbreviate("Journal of Statistical Software")
"J. Stat. Softw."

Known limitations and deviations from ISO 4

(Feel free to open an issue/PR)

  • We don't always capitalize the first letter of the first word
  • We try to abbreviate every word
  • We don't remove commas or convert periods to commas
  • The list of words we drop is very small
  • We don't handle punctuation at all

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