46 Packages since 2013
User Packages
Codecs.jl11Common data encoding algorithms
Bio.jl261[DEPRECATED] Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Infrastructure for Julia
IntervalTrees.jl44A data structure for efficient manipulation of sets of intervals
IndexableBitVectors.jl12Fully indexable dictionaries - access/rank/select operations
WaveletMatrices.jl11The Wavelet Matrix
Libz.jl27Fast, flexible zlib bindings.
BGZFStreams.jl13BGZF Stream
Automa.jl186A julia code generator for regular expressions
BioCore.jl28Core types and interfaces for BioJulia packages
BioSymbols.jl30Nucleic and amino acid primitive types
BioTools.jl14Interfaces to common external biological tools from julia scripts and programs
BioServices.jl21Julia interface to APIs for various bio-related web services
Kmers.jl21In development: Kmer types and methods for julia
BioSequences.jl150Biological sequences for the julia language
GenomicFeatures.jl32Tools for genomic features in Julia.
GeneticVariation.jl40Datastructures and algorithms for working with genetic variation
BioAlignments.jl60Sequence alignment tools
SubstitutionModels.jl17Biological Sequence Substitution Models for Julia
BioStructures.jl93A Julia package to read, write and manipulate macromolecular structures
MMTF.jl8A Julia package to read and write MMTF files
FASTX.jl61Parse and process FASTA and FASTQ formatted files of biological sequences.
FormatSpecimens.jl13Biological file format specimens for testing packages, and functions to assist in testing.
BioGenerics.jl12Generic methods, types and modules for the BioJulia ecosystem.
GenomeGraphs.jl67A modern genomics framework for julia
TwoBit.jl9Support for working with 2Bit formatted sequence data files
ReadDatastores.jl11Datastores for reads, not your papa's FASTQ files.
XAM.jl27Parse and process SAM and BAM formatted files
PopGen.jl46Population Genetics in Julia
BioMakie.jl56Plotting and interface tools for biology.
KmerAnalysis.jl12K-mer counting algorithms and count-data utilities for the BioJulia framework
MerCounting.jl12K-mer counting algorithms and count-data utilities for the BioJulia framework
KmerAnalysisMakie.jl3Makie recpies for visualising KmerAnalysis types and results.
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