
A simple and efficient implementation of physically-based coordinate systems with Unitful dimensions.
Author mikeingold
0 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
March 2023


This package is a simple and efficient implementation of several common coordinate systems with Unitful dimensions. These systems, as defined by the ISO 80000-2:2019 standards, include:

  • Two-Dimensional AbstractCoordinate{2}:
    • Rectangular CoordinateRectangular (x, y)
    • Polar CoordinatePolar (r, $\varphi$)
  • Three-Dimensional AbstractCoordinate{3}:
    • Cartesian CoordinateCartesian (x, y, z)
    • Cylindrical CoordinateCylindrical ($\rho$, $\varphi$, z)
    • Spherical CoordinateSpherical (r, $\theta$, $\varphi$)

Typical usage looks like:

using Unitful, UnitfulCoordinateSystems
coord1 = CoordinateCartesian(1.0u"m", 2.0u"m", 3.0u"m")
coord2 = CoordinateSpherical(1.0u"m", 45.0u"°", 30.0u"°")

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