
Julia language support for geophysical time series data
47 Stars
Updated Last
5 Months Ago
Started In
May 2016


Build Status Build status codecovCoverage Status Documentation Status Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

A minimalist, platform-agnostic package for univariate geophysical data.

Installation | Documentation

From the Julia prompt, type: ] add SeisIO; (Backspace); using SeisIO

Summary | Collaboration

Designed for speed, efficiency, and ease of use. Includes web clients, readers for common seismic data formats, and fast file writers. Utility functions allow time synchronization, data merging, padding time gaps, and other basic data processing.

  • Web clients: SeedLink, FDSN (dataselect, event, station), IRIS (TauP, timeseries)
  • File formats: ASDF (r/w), Bottles, GeoCSV (slist, tspair), QuakeML (r/w), SAC (r/w), SEED (dataless, mini-SEED, resp), SEG Y (rev 0, rev 1, PASSCAL), SLIST, SUDS, StationXML (r/w), Win32, UW

Getting Started | Formats | Web Clients

Start the tutorials in your browser from the Julia prompt with

using SeisIO

To run SeisIO package tests and download sample data, execute

using Pkg, SeisIO; Pkg.test("SeisIO")

Sample data downloaded for the tests can be found thereafter at

sfdir = realpath("../test/SampleFiles/")

Publications | Changelog | Issues

Jones, J.P., Okubo, K., Clements. T., & Denolle, M. (2020). SeisIO: a fast, efficient geophysical data architecture for the Julia language. Seismological Research Letters doi:

This work has been partially supported by a grant from the Packard Foundation.

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