
A library for visualizing and animating PDDL domains.
Author JuliaPlanners
10 Stars
Updated Last
4 Months Ago
Started In
December 2021


A library for visualizing, animating, and interacting with PDDL domains, built on top of Makie.jl.

Doors, Keys & Gems Blocksworld Zeno Travel
Example gridworld animation Example blocksworld animation Example zeno-travel animation


Press ] at the Julia REPL to enter the package manager, then install this package along with PDDL and a Makie backend of your choice (e.g. GLMakie):

add PDDLViz
add PDDL GLMakie

To install the development version, replace PDDLViz above with https://github.com/JuliaPlanners/PDDLViz.jl.git.


PDDLViz.jl provides a number of built-in renderer types for certain classes of domains, such as GridworldRenderer, GraphworldRenderer or BlocksworldRenderer. Each renderer can be customized for a specific domain by passing in options to its constructor:

using PDDLViz, GLMakie

# Construct gridworld renderer
gem_colors = PDDLViz.colorschemes[:vibrant]
renderer = GridworldRenderer(
    resolution = (600, 700),
    agent_renderer = (d, s) -> HumanGraphic(color=:black),
    obj_renderers = Dict(
        :key => (d, s, o) -> KeyGraphic(
            visible=!s[Compound(:has, [o])]
        :door => (d, s, o) -> LockedDoorGraphic(
            visible=s[Compound(:locked, [o])]
        :gem => (d, s, o) -> GemGraphic(
            visible=!s[Compound(:has, [o])],
            color=gem_colors[parse(Int, string(o.name)[end])]
    show_inventory = true,
    inventory_fns = [(d, s, o) -> s[Compound(:has, [o])]],
    inventory_types = [:item]

A renderer can then be used to render PDDL states:

using PDDL, PlanningDomains

# Load example gridworld domain and problem
domain = load_domain(:doors_keys_gems)
problem = load_problem(:doors_keys_gems, 3)

# Load array extension to PDDL

# Construct initial state from domain and problem
state = initstate(domain, problem)

# Render initial state
canvas = renderer(domain, state)

# Save rendered canvas to file
save("gridworld.png", canvas)

The rendered image is below:

Example gridworld rendered by PDDLViz.jl

Renderers can also be used to create animations as well:

Example gridworld trajectory animated by PDDLViz.jl

See the test folder for examples of how to render plans, trajectories and planner solutions, how to animate trajectories, and how to enable interactive controls.