Terminal Packages
LineEdit.jl0Julia readline-like library
MetaTools.jl0Handy MetaProgramming whatnots for Julia
Ncurses.jl2Julia wrapper of the famous ncurses library
Termbox.jl3Low-level wrapper around the termbox library in Julia
REPL.jl3Pure-julia REPL implementation
SaveREPL.jl6A package for saving entries in the Jula REPL.
LibArchive.jl6Wrapper for libarchive (Multi-format archive and compression library. Supports gz, gzip, tar, pax, cpio, zip, xar, zstd, lz4, lha, ar, cab, mtree, rar, ISO)
REPLMods.jl8Mod your REPL
REPLCompletions.jl10Completions for your Julia REPL
AnsiColor.jl12Formatting for ANSI colored strings in Julia
CLI.jl12Converts amost every Julia object to CLI commands
VT100.jl13Terminal Emulation for terminal UI verification
TerminalUI.jl21Who needs a GUI if you have a terminal?
FTPClient.jl22Julia FTP client using LibCURL.jl
TermWin.jl26Ncurses based data navigators
TerminalLoggers.jl41Logging sinks and utilites for interactive terminals
TerminalExtensions.jl42A package that makes Julia take advantage of cool terminal emulator features.
DocOpt.jl89Command line arguments parser
TerminalUserInterfaces.jl95Terminal User Interfaces in Julia.
TerminalMenus.jl100Simple interactive menus for the terminal (Now ships with Julia!)
TerminalPager.jl118Pure Julia implementation of the command less
Crayons.jl149Colored and styled strings for terminals.
ArgParse.jl231Package for parsing command-line arguments to Julia programs.
Term.jl439Julia library for stylized terminal output
ProgressMeter.jl693Progress meter for long-running computations
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