
Converts amost every Julia object to CLI commands
12 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
February 2018


Please use my latest project as a replacement Comonicon

CLI.jl is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces from absolutely Julia object. Is is highly inspired by python-fire. But thanks to Julia's powerful metaprogramming, we are able to do this in a much easier way. CLI.jl make use of Julia's metaprogramming and multiple dispatch feature.

warning It only supports *nix systems at the moment. I have not tested it for Windows. Julia v0.6+ is required. Still under development.




Basic Usage

You can call @command on julia functions.


using CLI

@command """
this is a demo CLI

add up
@command function add(x::Int, y::Int; extra::Int=1)
    x + y + extra

> demo.jl --help
	demo2.jl [-h,--help] [-v,--version] <command>
	this is a demo CLI

	  add up


You can create subcommands using Julia's modules. And then you can compile it to a binary application by PackageCompiler.jl

Use subcommands and Compile to Binary

# demo.jl
module demo
using CLI

@command """
this is a demo CLI

module math
using CLI

@command """
math calculations

add up
@command function add(x::Int, y::Int; extra::Int=1)
    x + y + extra

multiply two integers
@command mul(x::Int, y::Int) = x * y

end # math

plus two integers
@command function plus(x::Int, y::Int)
    x + y    

Base.@ccallable function julia_main(ARGS::Vector{String})::Cint


then open a Julia REPL, type

> julia using PackageCompiler; build_executable("demo.jl")

you will get an binary demo, simply copy it to where you want and use it. This will reduce your CLI start time significantly. Enjoy!

Advanced Customize

CLI.jl offers several types to store your CLI application. You can directly use them to build a CLI application.

using CLI

add(x::Int, y::Int) = x + y
mul(x::Int, y::Int) = x * y

leaf1 = LeafCommand(:add, add, Signature([Int, Int], []))
leaf2 = LeafCommand(:mul, mul, Signature([Int, Int], []))
node = NodeCommand("math", [leaf1, leaf2])

maincmd = MainCommand("cal", [], [node])

stream = ARGStream(ARGS)
resolve(stream, maincmd; debug=false)

CLI Design Guidance

CLI.jl accepts most CLI design syntax from GNU CLI Standard, IEEE and other *nix external programs, e.g git, ls, etc.

Future Plans

  • support @command for arbitrary Julia objects
  • further performance improvements (CLI start time)


Roger Luo