NLP Packages
AdaGram.jl169Adaptive Skip-gram implementation in Julia
BKTrees.jl7Burkhard-Keller trees implementation
ConceptnetNumberbatch.jl4Julia API for ConceptNetNumberbatch
CorpusLoaders.jl32A variety of loaders for various NLP corpora.
DependencyTrees.jl11Dependency parsing in Julia
DPL.jl16Julia code for the paper S. Gu, L. Zhang, W. Zuo, and X. Feng, “Projective Dictionary Pair Learning for Pattern Classification,” In NIPS 2014
GloVe.jl11Implements Global Word Vectors.
Glowe.jl4Julia interface to GloVe
GoodTuring.jl1A Julia implementation of Simple Good Turing smoothing, largely adapted from @maxbane
JuliaParser.jl88A rewrite of Julia's parser in Julia
KUparser.jl8Dependency parsing with word vectors.
Languages.jl48A package for working with human languages
Levenshtein.jl14Levenshtein distance between two strings in julia
LTSV.jl2Labeled Tab Separated Values (LTSV) parser in Julia.
MeCab.jl21Julia binding of Japanese morphological analyzer MeCab
NGram.jl1Implement the NGram model in julia
ParserCombinator.jl94A parser combinator library for Julia
Parsimonious.jl9A PEG parser generator for Julia
PEGParser.jl36PEG Parser for Julia
PyLexYacc.jl2A Julia wrapper for the Python Lex-Yacc package.
SimpleParser.jl1A very simple hackable parser and lexer for simple languages
Stemmers.jl1Interface for text stemmer implementations.
StringAnalysis.jl15Hard-Forked from JuliaText/TextAnalysis.jl
Sumup.jl2Automatic multi-documents, multi-topics summarization based on topic extraction
Text.jl73Numerous tools for text processing
TextAnalysis.jl352Julia package for text analysis
TOML.jl29A fast TOML parser for TOML 1.0 written in Julia
TopicModels.jl36TopicModels for Julia
Word2Vec.jl60Julia interface to word2vec
WordNet.jl31A Julia package for Princeton's WordNet®.
WordTokenizers.jl89High performance tokenizers for natural language processing and other related tasks
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