Cryptography Packages
VSL.jl5Julia bindings to the Intel Vector Statistics Library.
VML.jl73Julia bindings for the Intel Vector Math Library
ToyFHE.jl93Toy implementation of FHE algorithms
Stupid.jl2Analysis of an 8 bit version of the cipher at
Sha256.jl2Sha256 hash algorithm for Julia
SHA.jl46A performant, 100% native-julia SHA1, SHA2, and SHA3 implementation
RNGTest.jl12Code for testing of Julia's random numbers
OpenSSLCrypto.jl3Julia interface to the crypto API of openssl
Nettle.jl50Julia wrapper around nettle cryptographic hashing/encryption library providing MD5, SHA1, SHA2 hashing and HMAC functionality, as well as AES encryption/decryption
MD5.jl19A performant, 100% native-julia MD5 implementation
MbedTLS.jl41Wrapper around mbedtls
FNVHash.jl0Fowler–Noll–Vo hash functions Julia package
Crypto.jl9A library that wraps OpenSSL, but also has pure Julia implementations for reference.
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