Chemistry Packages
MethylUtils.jl0Tools for WGBS Methylation analysis
Dimers.jl1A Julia package for sampling the dimer model on a grid
Psychro.jl3Thermodynamic properties of moist air in Julia
ClassicalLaminateTheory.jl4Functions from EDX course "AA432x Composite Materials Overview for Engineers"
HydrocarbonNets.jl4Artificial Hydrocarbon Networks (AHNs) in Julia.
DynamicTimeWarp.jl6Implement Dynamic Time Warping for sequence alignment in Julia.
CrystalInfoFramework.jl10Julia tools for reading Crystallographic Information Framework (CIF) files and dictionaries
Qlab.jl12Generic lab tools in Julia
ChemicalKinetics.jl15Simulation, Bayesian inference and Bayesian model selection for chemical kinetics in Julia
Elsa.jl18Efficient lattice simulation algorithms - a Julia library
Brownian.jl19Simulation of Brownian-Based Stochastic Processes
QSimulator.jl20Unitary and Lindbladian evolution in Julia
Synchrony.jl22Coherence/phase-locking statistics in Julia
OpenSMILES.jl25OpenSMILES parser in Julia
CoolProp.jl25Julia package
BioSymbols.jl27Nucleic and amino acid primitive types
Chemfiles.jl28Julia bindings to chemfiles
Lattices.jl31A Lattice Library for Julia
ChemistryFeaturization.jl39Interface package for featurizing atomic structures
MomentClosure.jl41Tools to generate and study moment equations for any chemical reaction network using various moment closure approximations
Arrhenius.jl44Differentiable Reacting Flow Modeling Software
Cliffords.jl44Efficient calculation of Clifford circuits in Julia.
QuantumLab.jl46A workbench for Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Physics in Julia
PETLION.jl47High-performance simulations of the Porous Electrode Theory for Li-ion batteries
PorousMaterials.jl48Julia package towards classical molecular modeling of nanoporous materials
ReactionMechanismSimulator.jl54The amazing Reaction Mechanism Simulator for simulating large chemical kinetic mechanisms
ChemometricsTools.jl57A collection of tools for chemometrics and machine learning written in Julia.
AtomicGraphNets.jl58Atomic graph models for molecules and crystals in Julia
SolidStateDetectors.jl59Solid state detector field and charge drift simulation in Julia
AtomsBase.jl66A Julian abstract interface for atomic structures.
JuLIP.jl72Julia Library for Interatomic Potentials
PhysicalConstants.jl92Collection of fundamental physical constants with uncertainties. It supports arbitrary-precision constants
PeriodicTable.jl96Periodic Table for Julians! :fire:
Fermi.jl116Fermi quantum chemistry program
Clapeyron.jl129Clapeyron provides a framework for the development and use of fluid-thermodynamic models, including SAFT, cubic, activity, multi-parameter, and COSMO-SAC.
MolecularGraph.jl167Graph-based molecule modeling toolkit for cheminformatics
Molly.jl281Molecular simulation in Julia
Catalyst.jl342Chemical reaction network and systems biology interface for scientific machine learning (SciML). High performance, GPU-parallelized, and O(1) solvers in open source software
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