40 Packages since 2012
User Packages
Grid.jl47Interpolation and related operations on grids
Layout.jl3Graphics layout management for Julia
Units.jl5Infrastructure for handling physical units for the Julia programming language
Cpp.jl47Utilities for calling C++ from Julia
Cartesian.jl18Fast multidimensional algorithms
ProgressMeter.jl693Progress meter for long-running computations
VTK.jl5Proof of concept VTK bindings for the Julia language
ProfileView.jl347Visualization of Julia profiling data
AffineTransforms.jl20Computational geometry with affine transformations
ArrayViewsAPL.jl2Generic array-view type with APL indexing semantics
NamedAxesArrays.jl5Performant arrays where each axis can be named
FastAnonymous.jl30Fast "anonymous functions" for Julia
HalideCall.jl8Use shared libraries created by Halide from Julia
CallGraphs.jl8Analysis of source callgraphs for julia
AxisAlgorithms.jl9Efficient filtering and linear algebra routines for multidimensional arrays
Ratios.jl23Faster Rational-like types for Julia
SnoopCompile.jl309Provide insights about latency (TTFX) for Julia packages
ImagineFormat.jl1Read .imagine files in Julia
HemirealNumbers.jl1Implementation of hemireal arithmetic for Julia
HemirealFactorization.jl1Matrix factorizations over the hemireals
PositiveFactorizations.jl38Positive-definite "approximations" to matrices
ArrayIteration.jl20Testing new ideas for array iteration
DebuggingUtilities.jl25Simple utilities for debugging julia code
ComputationalResources.jl34Julia package for selecting hardware, libraries, and algorithms for a computation
RestrictProlong.jl7Efficient multigrid operators for Julia
Revise.jl1189Automatically update function definitions in a running Julia session
MzXML.jl17Load mass spectrometry mzXML files
QuadDIRECT.jl51Global optimization without derivatives
CoordinateSplittingPTrees.jl6Accurate and efficient full-degree multidimensional polynomial interpolation
HeaderREPLs.jl7Custom interactive REPL prompts that convey status
Rebugger.jl171An expression-level debugger for Julia with a provocative command-line (REPL) user interface
CodeTracking.jl131It's editing-time, do you know where your methods are?
FlameGraphs.jl51Analysis of profiling data using trees
MethodAnalysis.jl94Utilities to analyze Julia's method tables
MzCore.jl6Traits and low-level utilities for mass spectrometry
MzPlots.jl10Plotting utilities for mass spectrometry data
PkgCacheInspector.jl39Inspect the contents of Julia package cache files
ThickNumbers.jl5Abstract type and utility functions for numbers that also act like sets/intervals
AggregateBy.jl11Aggregate collections by keys
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