14 Packages since 2017
User Packages
SimilaritySearch.jl27A Near Neighbor Search Library
TextSearch.jl7Searching methods and models for textual data; it was designed to work with SimilaritySearch.jl
InvertedFiles.jl6Implements a generic Inverted Index data structure for full text search and other kinds of search domains
SimSearchManifoldLearning.jl6Non-linear dimensional reduction using SimilaritySearch (ManifoldLearning and UMAP)
KNearestCenters.jl4Classification algorithms based on kernel nearest centers
KCenters.jl3A library gathering diverse algorithms for clustering, similarity search, prototype selection, and data encoding based on k-cluster algorithms.
SpatialAccessTrees.jl2Spatial access trees
SnowballStemmer.jl2Julia's wrapper for libstemmer
SearchModels.jl1Searching configurations in abstract spaces using stochastic search methods
KernelMethods.jl1An opensource implementation of several kernel methods
NeighborhoodApproximationIndex.jl1Similarity search indexes based on neighborhood approximation
Intersections.jl1Algorithms for computing intersection using sorted lists of integers as sets
TextClassification.jl1A text classification library using the microtc approach
ArrayRotations.jl0Block swapping algorithms (rotations)
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