39 Packages since 2015
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Persist.jl17Persistent jobs
WaveToy.jl0Julia WaveToy
SIMD.jl167Explicit SIMD vector operations for Julia
FastArrays.jl6Multi-dimensional arrays with arbitrary upper and lower bounds that can be fixed at compile time.
FunHPC.jl13Functional High-Performance Computing in Julia
ASDF.jl16A Julia implementation of the Advanced Scientific Data Format (ASDF)
Arbitrary.jl5Generate arbitrary sequences for testing
SixelTerm.jl69Inline graphics in the REPL using Sixel
NonPromoting.jl2Non-promoting wrappers for arithmetic types
LibYAML.jl0A Julia library wrapping the LibYAML C library
DropboxSDK.jl0Julia package to access Dropbox via its API
RayTraceGR.jl13A ray-tracer for curved spacetimes
Bernstein.jl4Calculate Bernstein polynomials
SimplexQuad.jl4Gaussian Quadrature for an n-dimensional simplex
Delaunay.jl19Find the Delaunay triangulation for a set of points
ZeroRing.jl2A number type that has only a single value (zero) and needs no storage
DifferentialForms.jl13Differential forms in Julia
GrundmannMoeller.jl2Grundmann-Möller n-dimensional Simplex Quadrature
ProgressView.jl2A Julia package for displaying categorical progress information
SimplexPoly.jl2Operations on polynomials that live on a simplex
SHTOOLS.jl11A Julia package wrapping SHTOOLS, the Spherical Harmonic Tools
FastSphericalHarmonics.jl18Easy-to-use Spherical Harmonics, based on FastTransforms.jl
ADIOS2.jl13A Julia interface to ADIOS2
OpenPMD.jl6Julia wrapper for the openPMD-api library
CxxInterface.jl45Create Julia interfaces to C++ libraries
TestAbstractTypes.jl5Provide functions to test whether a type implements an abstract type properly
SSHT.jl2Fast and exact spin spherical harmonic transforms
TanhSinhQuadrature.jl5Multi-dimensional tanh-sinh quadrature in Julia
CUDASIMDTypes.jl4Explicit SIMD types for CUDA
IndexSpaces.jl2Mapping physics quantities onto hardware for efficient parallelization.
SparseArraysCOO.jl1Create sparse vectors and matrices conveniently and efficiently
GraviPet.jl4GraviPet is the General Relativistic Astrophysics Visualization, Initialization, and Postprocessing Efficient Toolkit
ASDF2.jl1ASDF, the Advanced Scientific Data Format
Ncurses.jl2Julia wrapper of the famous ncurses library
ParabolicTrigonometry.jl1Parabolic trigonometric functions
ITerm2Images.jl2Inline graphics in the REPL for iTerm2
ShortFFTs.jl4Efficient short Fast Fourier Transforms
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