Dependency Packages
Flux.jl4122Relax! Flux is the ML library that doesn't make you tensor
Turing.jl1807Bayesian inference with probabilistic programming.
Plots.jl1710Powerful convenience for Julia visualizations and data analysis
Zygote.jl135321st century AD
Revise.jl1053Automatically update function definitions in a running Julia session
Distributions.jl987A Julia package for probability distributions and associated functions.
CUDA.jl974CUDA programming in Julia.
ForwardDiff.jl778Forward Mode Automatic Differentiation for Julia
StaticArrays.jl643Statically sized arrays for Julia
DataStructures.jl616Julia implementation of Data structures
ProgressMeter.jl596Progress meter for long-running computations
HTTP.jl592HTTP for Julia
JET.jl571An experimental code analyzer for Julia. No need for additional type annotations.
TimerOutputs.jl564Formatted output of timed sections in Julia
StatsBase.jl525Basic statistics for Julia
Latexify.jl497Convert julia objects to LaTeX equations, arrays or other environments.
Cthulhu.jl456The slow descent into madness
Lazy.jl450I was gonna maintain this package, but then I got high
Interpolations.jl444Fast, continuous interpolation of discrete datasets in Julia
StatsPlots.jl400Statistical plotting recipes for Plots.jl
Transducers.jl381Efficient transducers for Julia
Distances.jl376A Julia package for evaluating distances (metrics) between vectors.
MLStyle.jl364Julia functional programming infrastructures and metaprogramming facilities
ChainRules.jl358Forward and reverse mode automatic differentiation primitives for Julia Base + StdLibs
NearestNeighbors.jl353High performance nearest neighbor data structures and algorithms for Julia.
MultivariateStats.jl344A Julia package for multivariate statistics and data analysis (e.g. dimension reduction)
GR.jl342Plotting for Julia based on GR, a framework for visualisation applications
PrettyTables.jl327Print data in formatted tables.
Clustering.jl311A Julia package for data clustering
SpecialFunctions.jl305Special mathematical functions in Julia
JSON.jl290JSON parsing and printing
SnoopCompile.jl289Making packages work faster with more extensive precompilation
FLoops.jl284Fast sequential, threaded, and distributed for-loops for Julia—fold for humans™
MacroTools.jl281MacroTools provides a library of tools for working with Julia code and expressions.
GPUArrays.jl270Reusable array functionality for Julia's various GPU backends.
StructArrays.jl268Efficient implementation of struct arrays in Julia
Tables.jl264An interface for tables in Julia
Roots.jl262Root finding functions for Julia
Calculus.jl260Calculus functions in Julia
KernelAbstractions.jl250Heterogeneous programming in Julia
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