
A simple way to specify experiment configurations
Author avik-pal
16 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
August 2022


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Composes Configurations.jl with ArgParse.jl making it easier to write config files.

For users from the python world, this is similar to the functionality provided by ml_collections.


To install the module, use Julia's package manager: start pkg mode by pressing ] and then enter:

(v1.7) pkg> add SimpleConfig



This package simply extends Configurations.jl. Follow the tutorial in its documentation, to define a configuration. For example:

using SimpleConfig

@option struct SchedulerConfig
  name::String = "cosine"
  min_learning_rate::Float32 = 1f-4

@option struct OptimizerConfig
  name::String = "adam"
  learning_rate::Float32 = 3f-3

@option struct ModelConfig
  backbone::String = "resnet18"
  stage_size = [2, 2, 2, 2]

@option struct ExperimentConfig
  global_seed::Int64 = 0

One way to initialize the configuration would be to use the from_dict function from Configurations.jl. For example:

using Configurations

defaults = Dict("global_seed" => 0,
                "optimizer" => Dict("name" => "adam", "learning_rate" => 3f-3,
                                    "scheduler" => Dict("name" => "cosine",
                                                        "min_learning_rate" => 1f-4)),
                "model" => Dict("backbone" => "resnet18", "stage_size" => [2, 2, 2, 2]))

cfg = from_dict(ExperimentConfig, defaults)

The main problem with this approach is that it is hard to use use in scripts, or when running batch experiments with different configurations. We provide a simple function define_configuration, which automatically creates a argparse settings, so that the configurations can be updated using command line arguments.

cfg = define_configuration(ExperimentConfig, defaults)

This simple line in your script will allow you to update the configuration via command line arguments. The structure is extremely self-explainatory, run the script using --help to see the available options.

Basic Example Script

If we run the script examples/script_dict.jl with the following command:

$ julia --project=. examples/script_dict.jl --help

usage: script_dict.jl [--cfg.global_seed CFG.GLOBAL_SEED]
                      [ CFG.OPTIMIZER.NAME]
                      [--cfg.optimizer.learning_rate CFG.OPTIMIZER.LEARNING_RATE]
                                            [ CFG.OPTIMIZER.SCHEDULER.NAME]
                                            [--cfg.optimizer.scheduler.min_learning_rate CFG.OPTIMIZER.SCHEDULER.MIN_LEARNING_RATE]
                      [--cfg.model.backbone CFG.MODEL.BACKBONE]
                      [--cfg.model.stage_size CFG.MODEL.STAGE_SIZE]

optional arguments:
  --cfg.global_seed CFG.GLOBAL_SEED
                        (type: Int64, default: 0) CFG.OPTIMIZER.NAME
                        (default: "adam")
  --cfg.optimizer.learning_rate CFG.OPTIMIZER.LEARNING_RATE
                        (type: Float32, default: 0.003) CFG.OPTIMIZER.SCHEDULER.NAME
                        (default: "cosine")
  --cfg.optimizer.scheduler.min_learning_rate CFG.OPTIMIZER.SCHEDULER.MIN_LEARNING_RATE
                        (type: Float32, default: 0.0001)
  --cfg.model.backbone CFG.MODEL.BACKBONE
                        (default: "resnet18")
  --cfg.model.stage_size CFG.MODEL.STAGE_SIZE
                        (type: Vector{Int64}, default: [2, 2, 2, 2])
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Specifying Defaults in Config Files

Specifying defaults in a dictionary in the script is not great for version controlling experiments. Typically we recommend storing the defaults in config files, and use command line arguments for hyper-parameters like seed. In this case, we need to make a very simple change.

cfg = define_configuration(ExperimentConfig, filename)

where filename can be a .toml, .yml or .json file. See examples/script_file.jl for an example script.

Logging Configuration

Logging a deeply nested struct is typically not supported OOTB by most loggers. We provide a simple function flatten_configuration which takes the configuration and returns a single level dictionary which can be easily logged.

Known Issues

  1. Using field types like Symbol doesn't work with loading the defaults from a file.

  2. NTuples parsing is implemented via type piracy.

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