
Abstract interface and base functions for simulation results
Author ModiaSim
1 Star
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
June 2021


Stable The MIT License

ModiaResult is part of ModiaSim. See also the ModiaResult documentation.

ModiaResult defines an abstract interface for simulation results and provides overloaded methods for:

  • Dictionaries,

  • DataFrame tables,

  • Tables (for example CSV), and

  • ModiaResult.ResultDict (special dictionary with all features of the interface).

Additionally, operations on simulation results are provided, especially to produce line plots in a convenient way based on

  • GLMakie (interactive plots in an OpenGL window),
  • WGLMakie (interactive plots in a browser window),
  • CairoMakie (static plots on file with publication quality),
  • PyPlot (plots with Matplotlib from Python) and
  • NoPlot (= all plot calls are ignored; NoPlot is a module in ModiaResult), or
  • SilentNoPlot (= NoPlot without messages; SilentNoPlot is a module in ModiaResult).

More details:


All packages are registered and are installed with:

julia> ]add ModiaResult
        add ModiaPlot_GLMakie       # if plotting with GLMakie desired
        add ModiaPlot_WGLMakie      # if plotting with WGLMakie desired
        add ModiaPlot_CairoMakie    # if plotting with CairoMakie desired
        add ModiaPlot_PyPlot        # if plotting with PyPlot desired

If you have trouble installing ModiaPlot_PyPlot, see Installation of PyPlot.jl


Assume that the result data structure is available, then the following commands

import ModiaResult

# Define plotting software globally
ModiaResult.activate("PyPlot") # or ENV["MODIA_PLOT"] = "PyPlot"

# Execute "using ModiaPlot_<globally defined plot package>"
ModiaResult.@usingModiaPlot   # = "using ModiaPlot_PyPlot"

# Generate line plots                     
plot(result, [("sigA", "sigB", "sigC"), "r[2:3]"])

generate the following plot:


Abstract Result Interface

For every result data structure a few access functions have to be defined (for details see Abstract Interface). Most importantly:

(timeSignal, signal, signalType) = ModiaResult.rawSignal(result, name)

Given the result data structure result and a variable name::AbstractString, return the result values of the independent variable (= timeSignal), the corresponding result values of the variable (= signal) and the type of the signal. The following figure sketches the returned timeSignal and signal data structures:


Other signal types might be mapped to this basic signal type by introducing views.

Main developer

Martin Otter, DLR - Institute of System Dynamics and Control