
A Julia package for loop synthesis
Author ahumenberger
7 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
March 2019


Algebra-based loop synthesizer

Absynth is a Julia package for synthesizing loops from a given polynomial loop invariant.

Quick start

julia> ] add Absynth
julia> using Absynth

Absynth makes use of SMT solving at its core. As such you should have an SMT solver like Z3 or Yices installed.

You can check if Absynth can find Z3 or Yices by trying to call the constructor of the solver, that is, Z3() or Yices(). If this does not throw an error, then Z3 and/or Yices are available.

Then we can create a loop invariant which is allowed to be a Boolean combination of polynomial equations.

julia> I = @invariant a == b^2

The result of calling synth is in fact a first-order recurrence system.

julia> recsys = synth(I, solver=Z3Solver)
RecSystem of size 3:a(n+1)  ⎞   ⎛ 1  2  1 ⎞⎛ a(n)  ⎞	⎛ a(0)  ⎞   ⎛ 1//16 ⎞
  ⎜ b(n+1)  ⎟ =0  1  1 ⎟⎜ b(n)  ⎟	⎜ b(0)  ⎟ =-1//4 ⎟
  ⎝ _c(n+1) ⎠   ⎝ 0  0  1 ⎠⎝ _c(n) ⎠	⎝ _c(0) ⎠   ⎝ 1

We turn the recurrence system into a loop by calling loop(recsys).

julia> loop(recsys)
    a = 1//16
    b = -1//4
    while true
        a = a + 2b + 1
        b = b + 1


  1. A. Humenberger, N. Bjørner, L. Kovács. Algebra-based Loop Synthesis. In Integrated Formal Methods (iFM), 2020. To appear.

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