Linear Algebra Packages
Transducers.jl27Efficient transducers for Julia
TensorCast.jl137It slices, it dices, it splices!
SugarBLAS.jl30Syntactic sugar for BLAS polynomials
SALT.jl6SALT (steady-state ab-initio laser theory) solver package for Julia
RowEchelon.jl34Small package containing the rref fonction for computing the reduced row echelon form of the matrix A
OpenCLBLAS.jl0OpenCL BLAS library wrapper for Julia with samples
Octavian.jl230Multi-threaded BLAS-like library that provides pure Julia matrix multiplication
MUMPS1.jl0Alternative Julia interface to MUMPS sparse system solver
MKL.jl205Intel MKL linear algebra backend for Julia
LMCLUS.jl1The Julia package for Linear Manifold Clustering
LLLplus.jl48Lattice reduction and other lattice tools in Julia
LinearMaps.jl303A Julia package for defining and working with linear maps, also known as linear transformations or linear operators acting on vectors. The only requirement for a LinearMap is that it can act on a vector (by multiplication) efficiently.
LinearAlgebraicRepresentation.jl39Official repository of the package LAR for Julia.
LinearAlgebra.jl148Generic numerical linear algebra in Julia
LDA.jl5*Deprecated* - Linear Discriminant Analysis and Kernel Fisher Analysis
KrylovKit.jl279Krylov methods for linear problems, eigenvalues, singular values and matrix functions
Krylov.jl338A Julia Basket of Hand-Picked Krylov Methods
IDRsSolver.jl6++ incorporated into ++ Induced Dimension Reduction method IDR(s) for solving general non-symmetric linear equations using a Krylov method, for example ordinary linear equations or Sylvester and Stein equations.
HYPRE.jl28Julia interface to hypre linear solvers (
GenericLinearAlgebra.jl148Generic numerical linear algebra in Julia
Divergences.jl9A Julia package for evaluation of divergences between distributions
DirectSum.jl50Tangent bundle, vector space and Submanifold definition
CUSPARSE.jl23Julia interface to NVIDIA's CUSPARSE library
CanonicalTraits.jl63Full-featured traits in Julia. Without full features how dare I say this?
AutoGrad.jl169Julia port of the Python autograd package.
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