Data Type Packages
DotPlusInheritance.jl0Expression parser that simulates type inheritance
DictViews.jl0KeysView and ValuesView types for dynamic low-overhead views into the entries of dictionaries
MonkeyString.jl0Fast string implementation inspired by SpiderMonkey
DanaTypes.jl0Dana-Laboratory BuiltIns
ImagineFormat.jl1Read .imagine files in Julia
ASCIIByte.jl1Julia's package for deal with Characters of 8 bits.
Scalar.jl1Scalar Types
ChainedVectors.jl1Few utility types over Julia Vector type
MutableStrings.jl2Mutable string types for Julia
BigRationals.jl2Julia wrapper around GMP's rational type
RDF.jl3Julia package mirror.
ReTerms.jl4Package providing abstract random-effects terms and specific types
Netpbm.jl4Load and save Netpbm images in Julia
MPFI.jl4A MPFI wrapper for Julia
Units.jl5Infrastructure for handling physical units for the Julia programming language
FixedSizeStrings.jl7A type for efficiently storing short strings of known size
LHEF.jl7Quick and dirty implementation of the Les Houches Event Format (LHE Files) in Julia
SimpleStructs.jl7Easy to use struct definition with defaults and value constraints, as well as auto-defined user-friendly constructors
TexExtensions.jl7Tex Pretty printing of Julia Base types.
MUtils.jl7Channels(), tspaces(), kvspaces() and more
CustomUnitRanges.jl8Package-specific AbstractUnitRange types for julia
Sexpr.jl10Julia <3 clojure + macroexpansion
Codecs.jl11Common data encoding algorithms
VersionParsing.jl13Flexible VersionNumber parsing in Julia
StringLiterals.jl16Implement improved string literals with Swift-style syntax for interpolation, hex, & unicode characters, plus C & Python style formatting and Unicode, HTML, LaTeX, and Emoji entities
CBOR.jl19A Concise Binary Object Representation (RFC 7049) serialization library in Julia
WeakRefStrings.jl23A minimal String type for Julia that allows for efficient string representation and transfer
Ratios.jl23Faster Rational-like types for Julia
FreeTypeAbstraction.jl25A Julian abstraction layer over FreeType.jl
ShortStrings.jl25A fast implementation of short strings of fixed size. Great for sorting and group-by operations
StringUtils.jl28String utilities for Julia, Swift-like interpolation/quoting, better performing versions of string functions, etc.
FunctionalData.jl29Functional, efficient data manipulation framework
TypeSortedCollections.jl30Type-stable operations on type-heterogeneous collections
Format.jl37A Julia package to provide C and Python-like formatting support
Arrow.jl56DEPRECATED in favor of [JuliaData/Arrow.jl](
FixedPointNumbers.jl79Fixed point types for julia
ResultTypes.jl94A Result type for Julia—it's like Nullables for Exceptions
Parsers.jl114Fast parsing machinery for basic types in Julia
YAML.jl128Parse yer YAMLs
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