17 Packages since 2015
User Packages
WebAssets.jl1Manager for files based on URLs
HTMX.jl6Using Julia to write https://htmx.org
Spacy.jl10Get up and running with Python's spaCy inside Julia
NISTStatisticalReferenceData.jl5Utilities for working with NIST StRD
HeroIcons.jl13Use the https://heroicons.com SVGs in Julia!
PropertyUtils.jl8Properties in Julia made easy
XKCD.jl44Retrieve data from the xkcd webcomic
NewsAPI.jl3Access newsapi.org from Julia
Reproducible.jl9Lightweight reproducible reports for Julia
OnlineStatsBase.jl31Base types for OnlineStats.
SweepOperator.jl11Symmetric Sweep Operator
StandardizedMatrices.jl5Operations for standardized matrices without changing the underlying data
SparseRegression.jl40Statistical Models with Regularization in Pure Julia
AverageShiftedHistograms.jl73⚡ Lightning fast density estimation in Julia ⚡
OnlineStats.jl831⚡ Single-pass algorithms for statistics
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