38 Packages since 2015
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FullNetworkModels.jl6Create a Build a JuMP.jl Model from a FullNetworkSystems.jl System, solved unit commitment, and OPF etc
FullNetworkSystems.jl6Definitions of the Julia types for simulating an ISO's market clearing.
FeatureDescriptors.jl0An interface package that defines the methods and types for working with features.
KeyedDistributions.jl4Distributions and Sampleables with keys for the variates
FeatureTransforms.jl37Transformations for performing feature engineering in machine learning applications
AxisSets.jl5Consistent operations over a collection of KeyedArrays
Cliquing.jl6Algorithms for finding a non-overlapping set of cliques in a graph
Checkpoints.jl12A package for dynamically checkpointing program state
DateSelectors.jl4Utilities for partitioning Dates into validation and holdout sets.
PDMatsExtras.jl8Extra Positive (Semi-)Definite Matricies
Parallelism.jl8A library for threaded and distributed parallelism.
Models.jl3An interface package that defines the methods and types for working with models.
Wrangling.jl1Wrangle your data into shape. Deals with Columns and Files and Lags and Cattle.
ObservationDims.jl2Traits for specifying the orientation of features and observations in data
ExprTools.jl78Light-weight expression manipulation tools
OPFSampler.jl9Takes a power grid case and generates OPF samples by changing the input parameters.
NamedDims.jl123For working with dimensions of arrays by name
JLSO.jl90Julia Serialized Object (JLSO) file format for storing checkpoint data.
FTPServer.jl1Julia wrapper for pyftpdlib
CloudWatchLogs.jl4AWS CloudWatch Logs integration for Julia using Memento.jl
PowerSystemsUnits.jl5PowerSystems Units for Unitful
KeyedFrames.jl3A DataFrame that also keeps track of its unique key
Intervals.jl36Non-iterable ranges
LayerDicts.jl9Layered dictionary lookups for Julia
Syslogs.jl2Julia syslog interface
SyntheticGrids.jl28Julia package for building synthetic power grids
Impute.jl77Imputation methods for missing data in julia
Nabla.jl67A operator overloading, tape-based, reverse-mode AD
Dispatcher.jl46Build, distribute, and execute task graphs
Memento.jl87A flexible logging library for Julia
DeferredFutures.jl5Julia Futures which are initialized when written to
RingArrays.jl3A sliding window over a huge array.
ReadWriteLocks.jl5A simple read-write lock for Julia
StackTraces.jl4Intuitive, useful stack traces for Julia.
FTPClient.jl22Julia FTP client using LibCURL.jl
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