19 Packages since 2019
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GridapDistributedPETScWrappers.jl0GridapDistributed Julia wrappers for Petsc library ๐ง work in progress ๐ง
TensorValues.jl2++REPO NOT MAINTAINED++ Tensor values that behave like numbers in broadcasted operations
TensorPolynomialBases.jl3++REPO NOT MAINTAINED++ Gallery of tensor-valued multivariate polynomial bases for the julia language
UnstructuredGrids.jl3++REPO NOT MAINTAINED++ Helper routines for topological operations on unstructured grids in julia
GridapHybrid.jl7Hybrid discretisation methods in Julia (VEM, HDG, HHO, etc) :construction: :construction: :construction: Work in progress :construction: :construction::construction:
P4est_wrapper.jl9Julia wrappers for p4est library
GridapPardiso.jl10Provides Pardiso solvers to the Gridap project
GridapSolvers.jl11Solvers and preconditioners for the Gridap ecosystem.
MiniQhull.jl29A small Julia wrapper of the Qhull library
GridapPETSc.jl30Provides PETSc solvers to the Gridap project
GridapODEs.jl33Time stepping for Gridap
SparseMatricesCSR.jl33Sparse matrices in CSR format for Julia computations
GridapMakie.jl34Makie plotting recipes for Gridap
GridapGmsh.jl42Gmsh generated meshes for Gridap
GridapEmbedded.jl42Embedded finite element methods in Julia
GridapDistributed.jl103Parallel distributed-memory version of Gridap
Gridap.jl691Grid-based approximation of partial differential equations in Julia
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