All Packages
AstroForceModels.jl0Force Models for Astrodynamics Trajectory Modelling
AtticGreek.jl0A julia package for working with text in the archaic Attic alphabet.
Artifacts.jl0Bridge package for Artifacts stdlib on older Julias
AstrodynamicalSolvers.jl0Common solvers within orbital mechanics and astrodynamics.
AstroSimBase.jl0General traits and functions for JuliaAstroSim packages
AtomicMassEvaluation.jl0Atomic Mass Evaluation dataset from AMDC:
AppliSales.jl0AppliSales is used in the course BAWJ
ArrowMacros.jl0A Julia package providing the macros @↓ and @↑.
ArviZExampleData.jl0Example data loading for ArviZ.jl
AppliGeneralLedger.jl0AppliGeneralLedger is used in the course BAWJ
AstroRepresentations.jl0Astrodynamical states representations and transformations.
HerbInterpret.jl0Program interpreters for the Herb.jl framework
AnimalBreedingTools.jl0Some functions useful for small computations
AlignedArrays.jl0Array wrappers for working with aligned memory allocations in Julia
AbstractStorage.jl0Abstract Interface for use with Storage based objects. Part of the COFII framework.
Gemini.jl0Gemini API wrapper for Julia
GroupedTransforms.jl0GroupedTransforms Julia Package
AdaptableFunctions.jl0Julia package that defines an input-specific function specialization/optimization API
AltInplaceOperationInterface.jl0This is a package for interfacing some inplace operations due to old julia code
ACEbase.jl0Shared definitions for ACEsuit packages
Adjacently.jl0Julia Complex Networks Library
AesKeywrapNettle.jl0AES keywrap in Julia uses Nettle.jl for AES
GroupedTemporalTerms.jl0Use leads and lags for panel data in `@formula`s.
Algorithms.jl0Algorithms in Julia
AllenNeuropixels.jl0Load, format, analyze, and plot the Allen Neuropixels datasets
AlwaysSeqCst.jl0Use sequentially consistent ordering always for debugging
ActorInterfacesTests.jl0Test suite for ActorInterfaces.jl
ApproximatingMapsBetweenLinearSpaces.jl0Mirror of
AbstractRationals.jl0Abstractions for Rational Numbers
InterPol.jl0Interpolating polynomial for Julia
AbstractInstances.jl0A package for making concrete instances of abstract types