Dependency Packages
EasyJobsBase.jl0This package contains the core functionalities of EasyJobs.jl
EquationsOfState.jl1A Julia package for fitting the equations of state
PyQHA.jl1A Julia-Python interface of
Pseudopotentials.jl1A Julia package that provides operations of a database with pseudopotential datasets
AbInitioSoftwareBase.jl2Provides a common API that shared by some ab initio software
SimpleWorkflows.jl2A simple workflow engine powered by Julia
IsURL.jl3:link: Checks if the given string is an absolute URL
OptimBase.jl3Base functionality for Optim.jl and related packages
SimpleBufferStream.jl4What Base.BufferStream should be
Grisu.jl4The old Base.Grisu module made into a package
Showoff.jl7Nicely format an array of n things for tables and plots
ConcurrentUtilities.jl9Utilities for doing multithreaded or distributed work in Julia
ExproniconLite.jl10No fancy pattern matching, no dependencies, lightweight Expronicon for low latency.
CommonSolve.jl11A common solve function for scientific machine learning (SciML) and beyond
ChangesOfVariables.jl11Interface for transformation functions in Julia
DensityInterface.jl11Interface for mathematical/statistical densities in Julia
WidthLimitedIO.jl12A Julia IO type that facilitates width-limited printing
StatsAPI.jl12A statistics-focused namespace for packages to share functions
BitFlags.jl12BitFlag.jl provides an Enum-like type for bit flag option values.
JLFzf.jl12Julia bind to fzf fuzzy finder
Measures.jl12Unified measure and coordinates types
EquationsOfStateOfSolids.jl13A Julia package for fitting the equation of state of solids, and more
ArgTools.jl13Tools for writing functions that handle many kinds of IO arguments
IrrationalConstants.jl13Defines additional irrationals
VersionParsing.jl13Flexible VersionNumber parsing in Julia
DelimitedFiles.jl13A package for reading and writing files with delimited values (Originally a Julia stdlib)
StructHelpers.jl14Automate common struct definition boilerplate
LeftChildRightSiblingTrees.jl14Memory-efficient representation of a tree with arbitrary number of children/node
StaticArraysCore.jl15Interface package for StaticArrays.jl
Rmath.jl15Archive of functions that emulate R's d-p-q-r functions for probability distributions
LoweredCodeUtils.jl18Tools for manipulating Julia's lowered code
IndirectArrays.jl18Julia implementation of indexed or "lookup" arrays
FoldingTrees.jl19Dynamic tree structure with control over the accessibility of node children
InverseFunctions.jl21Interface for function inversion in Julia
TensorCore.jl21Lightweight package for sharing tensor-algebra definitions
Inflate.jl22Julia implementation of zlib decompression
URIs.jl23URI parsing in Julia
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