
Normalize structures and named tuples according to a user provided template
Author gcalderone
0 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
August 2018


Structure and named tuple canonicalization.

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This package exports the canonicalize(template, input) function allowing canonicalization of input values according to a template. The template must be a structure definition (i.e. a DataType), a structure instance or a named tuple, The input values may be given either as a named tuple, as a tuple, or as keywords. A characterizing feature of StructC14N is that field names in input may be given in abbreviated forms, as long as the abbreviation is unambiguous among the template field names. The output will be either a structure instance or a named tuple (depending on the type of template), whose values are copied (and converted, if necessary) from the inputs, or (if a field specification is missing) from the template default values. A further argument of type Dict{Symbol, Function} may be given to canonicalize to specify the conversion functions to be used to populate output from input values.

The following table shows the beahviour details, which depends on the type of template:

Template Return type Default values Relation between template field types and output types? Missing inputs for a field results in
A NamedTuple instance NamedTuple Allowed Implicit (type of default values) or explicit (as a Type) Default value or missing (1)
A T structure definition T instance Not allowed Identical to structure definition missing if allowed by struct, otherwise error
A T structure instance T instance Allowed Identical to structure definition Default value

(1): Note that the output named tuple may contain missings even if this is not allowed by the template.

Type ? canonicalize in the REPL to read the documentation for individual methods, and the rest of this file for a few examples.


using StructC14N

# Create a template
template = (xrange=NTuple{2,Number},
            title="A string")

# Create input named tuple...
nt = (xr=(1,2), tit="Foo")

# Dump canonicalized version
dump(canonicalize(template, nt))

will result in

NamedTuple{(:xrange, :yrange, :title),Tuple{Tuple{Int64,Int64},Missing,String}}
  xrange: Tuple{Int64,Int64}
    1: Int64 1
    2: Int64 2
  yrange: Missing missing
  title: String "Foo"

One of the main use of canonicalize is to call functions using abbreviated keyword names (i.e. it can be used as a replacement for AbbrvKW.jl). Consider the following function:

function Foo(; OptionalKW::Union{Missing,Bool}=missing, Keyword1::Int=1,
               AnotherKeyword::Float64=2.0, StillAnotherOne=3, KeyString::String="bar")
    @show OptionalKW
    @show Keyword1
    @show AnotherKeyword
    @show StillAnotherOne
    @show KeyString

The only way to use the keywords is to type their entire names, resulting in very long code lines, i.e.:

Foo(Keyword1=10, AnotherKeyword=20.0, StillAnotherOne=30, KeyString="baz")

By using canonicalize we may re-implement the function as follows

function Foo(; kwargs...)
    template = (; OptionalKW=Bool, Keyword1=1,
               AnotherKeyword=2.0, StillAnotherOne=3, KeyString="bar")
    kw = canonicalize(template; kwargs...)
    @show kw.OptionalKW
    @show kw.Keyword1
    @show kw.AnotherKeyword
    @show kw.StillAnotherOne
    @show kw.KeyString

And call it using abbreviated keyword names:

Foo(Keyw=10, A=20.0, S=30, KeyS="baz") # Much shorter, isn't it?

A wrong abbreviation or a wrong type will result in errors:


Another common use of StructC14N is in parsing configuration files, e.g.:

configtemplate = (optStr=String,

# Parse a tuple
configentry = "aa, 1, 2"
c = canonicalize(configtemplate, (split(configentry, ",")...,))

# Parse a named tuple
configentry = "optFloat=20, optStr=\"aaa\", optInt=10"
c = canonicalize(configtemplate, eval(Meta.parse("($configentry)")))

# Use a custom conversion routine
function myparse(input)
  if input == "ten"
    return 10
  return 1
configentry = "optFloat=20, optStr=\"aaa\", optInt=\"ten\""
c = canonicalize(configtemplate, eval(Meta.parse("($configentry)")), Dict(:optInt=>myparse))