
A module for Julia implementing simple Sixel graphics
10 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
February 2014


A module for Julia implementing simple Sixel graphics using XTerm (or another terminal capable of displaying Sixel graphics). XTerm needs to be compiled with --enable-sixel-graphics, run with the "-ti 340" option, and with sixelScrolling enabled.

The module exports (some inspiration was drawn from R's plot()):

function sixelplot(x=[], y=[]; title="", xlab="x", ylab="f(x)", xsize=384, ysize=288, xlim=[0,0], ylim=[0,0], typ='l', pch=1, clr=2, dclr=[-1,-1,-1], showframe=true, showlogo=false, showsixels=true)

which returns a screen, which may be used for adding another plot:

function sixelplot(s::Screen, x=[], y=[]; typ='l', pch=2, clr=3, dclr=[-1,-1,-1], showsixels=true)

where the showsixels option may be used to show only a final plot.

Sixel graphics do six lines at a time and therefore ysize is best a multiple of six. The console font used is eight bits heigh.

Just a few plotting characters are currently defined. pch=0 is a pixel, and pch<0 plots ASCII characters starting from 'a'.

The (emulated) VT340 has a palette of 16 colors. Color 1 is used for the frame. Parameter clr is used for the plot. The color may be defined with parameter dclr, which are the RGB colors in the range 0..100.

The file in the "test" directory provides a few examples; the output of the first one was converted to file "logo.png".

Disclaimer: The author was just beginning to learn Julia while writing this module.