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5 Months Ago
Started In
April 2019

Restructured BNF

The Restructured BNF(RBNF) aims at the generating parsers without requiring redundant coding from programmers.

RBNF is designed for

  • Maintainability: unlike Regex, RBNF's good readability makes more sense in the syntax level.
  • Conciseness: avoid self-repeating you did with other parser generators.
  • Efficiency: RBNF just specifies the semantics, we could use customizable back ends/parsing algorithms here.
  • Extensibility: mix Julia meta-programming with the notations to define parsers/lexers.

Taking advantage of a BNF source block, lexers and parsers are generated as well as some data type definitions representing tokenizers and ASTs.

Some modern facilities of parsing are introduced.

The notations of dedicated escaping lexers makes it super convenient to implement lexers for nested comments, string literals and so on.

str = @quote ("\"" ,"\\\"", "\"")

The notations of grammar macros makes it super easy to achieve code reuse for RBNF.

join(separator, rule) = :[$rule, ($separator, $rule){*}]
# `join(',', 'a')` generates a parser to parse something like "a" or "a,a,a"

About Implementation and Efficiency

The rudimentary implementation(back end) is the Parser Combinator, thus the direct left recursions are not supported implicitly, plus the indirect left recursions are not supported.

Note that currently the lack of further analyses and optimizations may lead to some problems in expressiveness and performance, however it's not that severe in many use cases not concerned to real time applications.

We're to figure out a solid way to compile the parser definitions to bottom-up parsers (thus left recursions wouldn't be a problem) with the capability of processing context sensitive cases.

You can check following projects to see what I've been achieved and, what I'm now researching.

Basic Usage

P.S: rules can be mutually referenced by each other.

Structures of Defining A Language

Firstly we need an immutable object to denote your language.

using RBNF

struct YourLang end
RBNF.@parser YourLang begin

    ignore{#= tokenizer names to be ignored =#}
    # e.g.,  `ignore{mystring, mychar}`

    reserved = [#= reserved identifiers =#]
    # strings, symbols and even bool literals are allowed here,
    # and their strings will be regarded as reserved keywords.
    # e.g., reserved = [true, "if", :else]

    # define grammar rules

    # following ':=' statement defines a grammar node.
    # note, a structure named "Struct_node" will be defined as well.
    node := #= a combination of rules =#

    # following '=' statement defines an alias for a combination of rules.
    alias = #= a combination of rules =#

    # define tokenizers as well as their corresponding lexers

    mystring  := "abc"
    mychar    := 'k'
    myregex   := r"\G\s+"
    myquote   := @quote ("begin_string" ,"\\end_string", "end_string")

tokens = RBNF.runlexer(YourLang, source_code)

ast, ctx = RBNF.runparser(parser_defined_in_grammar_section, tokens)


Unlike many other parser generators(yes, I'm talking to you, **** of Rust), RBNF provides rich information with tokenizers.

struct Token{T}
    lineno :: Int64
    colno  :: Int32
    offset :: Int64
    str    :: String
    span   :: Int32

The type parameter T is used to denote which class the tokenizer belongs to.

For instance, if some tokenizer denotes the reserved keywords, their type will be Token{:reserved}.

If a tokenizer is handled with such a lexer:

identifier = r"\G[A-Za-z_]{1}[A-Za-z0-9_]*"

It'll then be of type Token{:identifier}.


c = ['a', 'b']

c parses [Token(str="a", ...), Token(str="b", ...)], and outputs a list [Token(str="a", ...), Token(str="b", ...)].


c := [a='a', b='b']

c parses [Token(str="a", ...), Token(str="b", ...)], and outputs Struct_c(a=Token(str="a", ...), b=Token(str="b", ...)).

P.S: rule c will produce instances of automatically generated data types Struct_c. You can specify the names of generated structs by

RBNF.typename(your_language, name::Symbol) = ...
# transform name. 
# e.g., "c" -> "Struct_c":
RBNF.typename(your_language, name::Symbol) = Symbol(:Struct_, name)

Custom Data Types

Firstly you just define your own data type in the global scope of current module.

struct C
    a :: Token
    b :: Token

c :: C := [a='a', b='b']

c parses [Token(str="a", ...), Token(str="b", ...)], and outputs C(a=Token(str="a", ...), b=Token(str="b", ...)).


c = ('a', 'b')

c parses [Token(str="a", ...), Token(str="b", ...)], and outputs a tuple (Token(str="a", ...), Token(str="b", ...)).


Currently Not parser is only allowed on literals.

A = !'a'

A can parse [Token(str=not_a)] for all not_a != "a".


a    = "a"
b    = "b"
c    = [a.?, b]

c can parse tokenizers [Token(str="a", ...), Token(str="b", ...)] or [Token(str="a", ...)], and outputs [Token(str="a", ...), Token(str="b", ...)] or [Some(nothing), Token(str="b", ...)], respectively.


a = b{*}

a can parse one or more b.


a = b | c

a can parse b or c.


If  := [hd=:if, cond=Exp, :then,

Note that :if, :then and :else should parse Token{:reserved}(str=...). Their type should be Token{:reserved}!

However you always don't have to aware of this. Further, you just should aware that any other lexer(hereafter L) matching "if", "then", "else" won't produce a tokenizer typed Token{L}, but that typed Token{:reserved}.


ab_no_a = ['a', 'b'] % (x -> x[1])

ab_no_a produces Token(str="b") if it gets parsed successfully.

Parameterised Polymorphisms

Firstly define such a function in the global scope:

join(separator, rule) = :[$rule, ($separator, $rule){*}]

Then, inside RBNF.@parser Lang begin ... end, we write down

list = ['[', [join(',', expression)].?, ']']

list can parse a list of expressions separated by ',', but you should define the expression yourself.


Provided for supporting direct left recursions.

a = @direct_recur begin
    init = ['a']
    prefix = [recur..., 'a']
# parse aaa to [Token_a, Token_a, Token_a]

a = @direct_recur begin
    init = ['a']
    prefix = [recur, 'a']
# parse aaa to [[[Token_a], Token_a], Token_a]