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Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
October 2020


Julia bindings for the PAPI hardware performance counters library


Performance Application Programming Interface PAPI was designed to be a portable and efficient API to access the performance counters available on modern processors. These counters can provide insight to performance engineers about improvements that can be make in their code. As performance metrics can have different definitions and different programming interfaces across platforms, PAPI attempts:

  • To present a set of standard definitions for performance metrics on all platforms
  • To provide a standardized API among users, vendors, and academics

This package provides access to the functionality of libPAPI, but also builds more high-level functions on top of it. Its goal is to implement useful primitives that developers can easily understand and use. For example,

@profile sum(X)
@sample sum(X)

Please see the documentation for instructions and examples.


The package depends on libPAPI which can either be installed on the system (recommended) or from PAPI_jll (default).

To use the system's libPAPI, you'll need to build PAPI.jl as follows

JULIA_PAPI_BINARY=system julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.build("PAPI")'

This will try to locate libPAPI on the system. Additional hints can be given using: JULIA_PAPI_LIBRARY and JULIA_PAPI_PATH environment variables.

Basic usage

using PAPI

function mysum(X::AbstractArray)
    s = zero(eltype(X))
    for x in X
        s += x

X = rand(10_000)
stats = @profile mysum(X)


Contributions are encouraged. In particular, PAPI provides many components, configurable at compilation time, while counters can be accessed through the native API by name, this can be cumbersome, low-level and ill-documented.

If there are additional functions you would like to use, please open an issue or pull request.

Additional examples and documentation improvements are also very welcome.