
Compute Bell polynomials for Faà di Bruno's formula
Author stephans3
0 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
December 2022


Compute Bell polynomials for Faà di Bruno's formula.

Basic usage

N_der = 10;              # Maximum order of Bell polynomial
bp = bell_poly(N_der);   # Create bell polynomials
bc = bell_coeff(bp);     # Compute bell coefficients

Computing and saving Bell polynomials

If you want to compute and save the Bell polynomials you may use

N_der = 20;
path_2_folder = "my_folder_path"
bp = bell_poly( N_der; 

or simply

bp = bell_poly(N_der, save_on_disk = true)

to save the files in folder "bell_results/".

Reading the Bell polynomials

The Bell polynomials can be read with

bp_new = read_bell_poly(path_to_folder=path_2_folder)

or if the standard folder "bell_results/" is used

bp_new = read_bell_poly()

Required Packages

Used By Packages

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