Scheduling Algorithm Packages
HClust.jl8Hierarchical Clustering for Julia, similar to R's hclust()
TravelingSalesmanExact.jl34Solve the travelling salesman problem using a mixed integer optimization algorithm with JuMP
TORA.jl37Trajectory Optimization for Robot Arms
DiscreteEvents.jl48Discrete event generation and simulation in Julia
VectorizationBase.jl61Base library providing vectorization-tools (ie, SIMD) that other libraries are built off of.
Folds.jl77A unified interface for sequential, threaded, and distributed fold
LowLevelParticleFilters.jl90State estimation, smoothing and parameter estimation using Kalman and particle filters.
ConstraintSolver.jl131ConstraintSolver in Julia: Blog posts ->
Strategems.jl157Quantitative systematic trading strategy development and backtesting in Julia
LazySets.jl208Scalable Symbolic-Numeric Set Computations
CFMMRouter.jl265Convex optimization for fun and profit. (Now in Julia!)
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