Probability & Statistics Packages
FixedEffectModels.jl197Fast Estimation of Linear Models with IV and High Dimensional Categorical Variables
FeldtLib.jl1Misc julia code that have not yet found its home in a package...
ExtremeStats.jl28Extreme value statistics in Julia
EmpiricalCDFs.jl33Online empirical cumulative distribution functions
DynamicPPL.jl116Implementation of domain-specific language (DSL) for dynamic probabilistic programming
DynamicHMC.jl231Implementation of robust dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods (NUTS) in Julia.
Divergences.jl9A Julia package for evaluation of divergences between distributions
DistributionsAD.jl142Automatic differentiation of Distributions using Tracker, Zygote, ForwardDiff and ReverseDiff
Distributions.jl987A Julia package for probability distributions and associated functions.
Distances.jl376A Julia package for evaluating distances (metrics) between vectors.
DiscriminantAnalysis.jl9Regularized discriminant analysis in Julia.
DirichletProcessMixtures.jl13Dirichlet Process Mixture Models in Julia
DiffEqBayes.jl117Extension functionality which uses Stan.jl, DynamicHMC.jl, and Turing.jl to estimate the parameters to differential equations and perform Bayesian probabilistic scientific machine learning
DependentBootstrap.jl24Statistical bootstrap procedures for time-series data
DCCA.jl7Julia module for Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis.
CurveFit.jl69Simple least squares and curve fitting functions
CTDE.jl2Continuous time, discrete event system in Julia
CovarianceMatrices.jl49Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation for Julia.
ControlSystemIdentification.jl108System Identification toolbox for LTI systems, compatible with ControlSystems.jl
ConjugatePriors.jl44A Julia package to support conjugate prior distributions.
CoDa.jl54Compositional data analysis in Julia
Civecm.jl8Cointegration in Vector Error Correction Models in Julia
CauseMap.jl16Causal inference in non-linear dynamics systems
CausalInference.jl134Causal inference, graphical models and structure learning with the PC algorithm.
BridgeStan.jl49BridgeStan provides efficient in-memory access through Python, Julia, and R to the methods of a Stan model.
Bridge.jl101A statistical toolbox for diffusion processes and stochastic differential equations. Named after the Brownian Bridge.
Bootstrap.jl100Statistical bootstrapping library for Julia
BloomFilters.jl18Bloom filters in Julia
BayesNets.jl215Bayesian Networks for Julia
BayesianNonparametrics.jl30BayesianNonparametrics in julia
BayesianDataFusion.jl27Bayesian multi-tensor factorization methods, with side information
BayesEstDiffusion.jl4Code accompanying the paper Frank van der Meulen, Moritz Schauer: Bayesian estimation of discretely observed multi-dimensional diffusion processes using guided proposals
BAT.jl164A Bayesian Analysis Toolkit in Julia
BasisFunctionExpansions.jl23Basis Function Expansions for Julia
AverageShiftedHistograms.jl68⚡ Lightning fast density estimation in Julia ⚡
ArviZ.jl79Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models with Julia
ARFIMA.jl47Simulate stochastic timeseries that follow ARFIMA, ARMA, ARIMA, AR, etc. processes
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