AI Packages
KaggleDigitRecognizer.jl0Julia code for Kaggle's Digit Recognizer competition
GURLS.jl1A pure Julia port of the GURLS supervised learning library
SFA.jl0Slow Feature Analysis in Julia
DAI.jl2A julia binding to the C++ discrete approximate inference library for graphical models: libDAI
MochaTheano.jl0Allow use of Theano for automatic differentiation within Mocha, via PyCall
Contingency.jl1Experimental automated machine learning for Julia.
SimpleML.jl1Textbook implementations of some Machine Learning Algorithms in Julia.
FANN.jl5A Julia wrapper for the Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN)
ML4H.jl2Machine Learning for Hackers in Julia
Flimsy.jl1Gradient based Machine Learning for Julia
SpeechBase.jl2Please do not use this package. SpeechBase.jl still need to be carefully designed.
SynthesisFilters.jl13Speech waveform synthesis filters
GoodTuring.jl1A Julia implementation of Simple Good Turing smoothing, largely adapted from @maxbane
LTSV.jl2Labeled Tab Separated Values (LTSV) parser in Julia.
NGram.jl1Implement the NGram model in julia
SimpleParser.jl1A very simple hackable parser and lexer for simple languages
PyLexYacc.jl2A Julia wrapper for the Python Lex-Yacc package.
Stemmers.jl1Interface for text stemmer implementations.
Sumup.jl2Automatic multi-documents, multi-topics summarization based on topic extraction
SVMLightLoader.jl5Loader of svmlight / liblinear format files
KUparser.jl8Dependency parsing with word vectors.
Learn.jl2Base framework library for machine learning packages.
NetworkLearning.jl3Baseline collective classification library
TheDataMustFlow.jl3Julia tools for feeding tabular data into machine learning.
SupervisedLearning.jl5Front-end interface for supervised machine learning
SPTK.jl11A thin Julia wrapper for Speech Signal Processing Toolkit (SPTK) API
KnetOnnx.jl3Move your models to Knet!
MultiLabelNeuralNetwork.jl3A simple feed-forward neural network for multi-label classification
Strada.jl33A deep learning library for Julia based on Caffe
EmpiricalRiskMinimization.jl3Empirical Risk Minimization in Julia.
Glowe.jl4Julia interface to GloVe
FunctionalDataUtils.jl7Utility functions for the FunctionalData package, mainly from the area of computer vision / machine learning
GradientBoost.jl22Gradient boosting framework for Julia.
NeuralNetworks.jl10Hacking torch-like neural networks in Julia
GloVe.jl11Implements Global Word Vectors.
RNN.jl3RNN package for Julia
Keras.jl20Run keras models with a Flux backend
PredictMD.jl17Uniform interface for machine learning in Julia
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